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Status: Extended

Theory of Condensed Matter

Leader:   N.M. Plakida
V.B. Priezzhev

Scientific Programme:

Multiparticle models of solids taking into consideration strong electron correlations, electron-lattice and spin interactions to describe spectra of quasiparticle excitations, phase transitions and kinetic phenomena in solids. In equilibrium and nonequilibrium media with strong correlations such as liquids and nuclear matter, the processes of multifragmentation, clusterization in phase transitions and the influence of surface effects on properties of clusters. In the theory of superconductivity, nonstandard mechanisms of pairing in metal-oxides, the problem of bipolaron stability in a polaron gas environment, the influence of strong electric fields and temperature gradients on elastic, magnetic, and thermal properties of granular superconductors. For the study of mechanisms of phase transitions caused by charge, orbital, and magnetic ordering in magnetic semiconductors and in metals with a large magnetoresistance, experimental data obtained at the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, JINR, by neutron scattering and the µSR method will be used.
Nonlinear problems in multiparticle theory will be studied by using modern methods of the renormalization group theory, the inverse scattering problem, fractal geometry, and the conformal field theory. The main subjects of the study are integrable systems, equilibrium systems of the statistical mechanics and dissipative systems far from the thermodynamic equilibrium. The aim of these investigations is to reveal the common properties of the multiparticle systems associated with the ideas of self-similarity and universality.
The microstructure of amorphous state will be studied in the framework of the theoretical model where topological disorder is introduced via arrays of disclination dipoles and loops. The thermal properties of disclinated media are of primary interest. The electronic spectrum of carbon materials, fullerenes and nanotubes, will be examined within the field-theory model adapted to account for nontrivial geometry of these nanostructures. The model of random Josephson junction arrays will be studied and applied to the description of the high-temperature granular superconductors.
In the theory of finite quantum systems, local and low-dimensional states of matter obtained in modern experiments will be investigated. In particular, properties of quasiparticles in mesoscopic systems and the Bose-Einstein condensation in atomic traps will be studied.

Expected main results in 2004:

List of Activities
  Activity or project Spokespersons
Principal researchers
1. Strongly Correlated Systems N.M. Plakida
G. Repke
  W. Kleinig
A.L. Kuzemsky
V.A. Moskalenko
V.S. Oudovenko
N.B. Perkins
J. Schmelzer
V.S. Shakhmatov
V.Yu. Yushankhai
2. Dynamic Systems: chaos,
integrability and self-organization
V.B. Priezzhev  
  L. Aleksandrov
V.I. Inozemtsev
E.V. Ivashkevich
A.M. Povolotsky
V.N. Plechko
K.V. Rerikh
P.E. Zhidkov
3. Disorded Structures: glasses,
topological defects, nanostructures
and Josephson junction
V.A. Osipov  
  E.A. Kochetov
S.E. Krasavin
S.A. Sergeenkov
4. Mesoscopic and Coherent
Phenomena in Quantum Systems
M.A. Smondyrev
V.S. Yarunin
V.I. Yukalov
  E.V. Bukina
A.Yu. Cherny
A.V. Chizhov
V.M. Dubovik
A.A. Shanenko

Country or international
City Institute or Laboratory
Armenia Yerevan YerPhI
Azerbaijan Baku IP ANAS
Belarus Minsk IMAP NASB
Belgium Antwerp UIA
Brazil Brasilia, DF UnB
San Paulo, SP USP
Bulgaria Sofia ISSP BAS
Canada Montreal CU
Czech Republic Rez NPI ASCR
France Marseille CPT
Germany Bremen Univ.
Brunswick TU
Dortmund Univ.
Dresden TUD
Duisburg Univ.
Hamburg Univ.
Leipzig Univ.
Magdeburg OvGU
Rostock Univ.
Stuttgart MPI-FKF
Hungary Budapest KFKI RMKI
ICTP Trieste
India Bombey TIFR
Ireland Dublin DIAS
Italy Catania Univ.
Salerno Univ.
Poland Cracow JU
Poznan IP AMU
Romania Bucharest IFIN-HH
Russia Moscow IONCh RAS
Irkutsk ISU
Perm PSU
St. Petersburg POMI
Troitsk HPPI RAS
Voronezh VSU
Yekaterinburg INP UD RAS
Serbia and Montenegro Belgrade INS "VINCA"
Slovak Republic Bratislava IP SAS
Kosice IEP SAS
Slovenia Ljubljana UL
Switzerland Villigen PSI
Taiwan Taipei IP ASN
The United Kingdom Cambridge Univ.
Ukraine Kharkov KFTI NASU
The USA New York, NY CUNY
Rochester, NY UR
Uzbekistan Tashkent Assoc."P.-S." PTI
Vietnam Hanoi IP NCNST

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