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Status: In-progress

R&D of Facilities in Millimeter and Submillimeter Wavelength Region for Investigation in Collider Technology and Condensed Matter Physics
(Project CLIC)

Leader:   A.K. Kaminsky
Deputy: S.N. Sedykh

Scientific Programme:
The problem under study and the main goal of investigations: The project of electron-positron linear collider of TeV energy range, CLIC will provide a new level of investigation in the field of particle physics. The designed parameters of this collider are the highest ones compared to other projects: accelerating gradient of 150 MV/m, electron&positron energy of 3 TeV, the operating frequency of 30 GHz. For the operating frequency of 30 GHz and above the lifetime of accelerating structure is limited mainly by the RF heating. It leads to mechanical deformation and damage and then, alters electrodynamic properties of the accelerating structure.
In the frame of the Topic involved several investigation directions are proposed:
- multi-parametric optimization of powerful pulsed sources of coherent milimeter-range radiation: in output power, spectral band, frequency and range of frequency tuning;
- completing of creation of the JINR test facility for investigation of limitations on lifetime of accelerating structures of CLIC collider with respect to pulsed repetitive heating loading;
- investigations in condensed matter physics and biophysics at LPP jointly with Sector of X-ray spectroscopy;
- R&d of source of powerful pulsed submillimeteer-range radiation and test facility for application of this radiation in various arears of science and technology;
- cardinal improvement of the safety, stability and other characteristics of linac and FEM.

Expected main results in 2006:

List of projects:

  Project Leader Priority
(period of realisation)
1. CLIC A.K. Kaminsky 1   (2000-2007)

List of Activities
  Activity or project Leader
I. Participation in the
CLIC project
1. Creation of millimeter-
range test facility at LPP

A.K. Kaminsky
S.N. Sedykh
2. Investigation of limitation on
lifetime of CLIC collider
accelerating structures relatively
to pulsed repetitive RF heating
and breakdown

A.K. Kaminsky
S.N. Sedykh
Data taking
3. Theoretical investigation
of submillimeter-radiation
powerful pulsed source and test
facility at LPP

A.K. Kaminsky
S.N. Sedykh
Technical proposal
4. LIU-3000 linac upgrade
A.K. Kaminsky
S.N. Sedykh
V.V. Kosukhin
A.I. Sidorov
Technical proposal
II. Investigation in condensed
matter physics and biophysics
with electron and RF radiation
A.K. Kaminsky
S.N. Sedykh
S.I. Tyutyunnikov
Data taking

Country or international
City Institute or Laboratory
Belarus Minsk RINP BSU
CERN Geneva
Israel Tel Aviv TAU
India Indore CAT
Russia Moscow LPI RAS
Nizhny Novgorod IAP RAS
United Kingdom Liverpool Univ.

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