Archive of 1996 - 2000 years
- News - 2000
- News - 1999
- News - 1998
- JINR Synchrocyclotron - 50th Anniversary! (1999) (Russian KOI8)
- Resolution of 88th Session of the JINR
Scientific Council (English, Russian WIN. )
- Resolution of 87th Session of the JINR
Scientific Council (English, Russian WIN.)
- Resolution of 86th Session of the JINR
Scientific Council (English, WIN./KOI8)
- Resolution of 85th Session of the JINR
Scientific Council (English, WIN./KOI8)
- Resolution of 84th Session of the JINR
Scientific Council (English,WIN/KOI8)
- Resolution of 83rd Session of the JINR
Scientific Council (English,KOI8)
- Recommendations of the PAC for Particle Physics (1997)
- 1998 JINR Annual Report [ English (PDF-file, 5.516 Mb),
Russian (PDF-file, 5.669 Mb) ]
- JINR Main Results in 1998 ( Russian Win. )
- JINR Main Results in 1997 ( Win. / KOI8 )
- 2000 Topical Plan for Research and International Cooperation ( Russian Win. / KOI8 )
- 1999 Topical Plan for Research and International Cooperation ( Russian Win. / KOI8 )
- 1998 Topical Plan for Research and International Cooperation (Win. / KOI8 )
- 1997 Topical Plan for Research and International Cooperation (KOI8)
- Bulletin "News of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research" (1997-1999)( English, Russian KOI8 )
- CERN-JINR Exhibition "Science bringing Nations together" (1997)
- 1999 JINR Information Bulletin (KOI8)
- 1998 JINR Information Bulletin (KOI8)
- About JINR's Exhibition at UNO Geneva (1996)
- Meetings - 2000 ( English, Russian )
- Meetings - 1999 ( English, Russian KOI8 )
- Meetings - 1998 ( English,
Russian KOI8 )
- Meetings - 1997 ( English,
Russian KOI8 )
- HEACC`98
- XVIIth International Conference on High Energy Accelerators.
- Networking Task Force of the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA - NTF) (David O.Williams)
The 1999 European School of High-Energy Physics
© Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Dubna, 1999 - 2001 ( Last update 21.1.2001 )