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Status: Extended

Studies of the Threshold Production and Rare Decays
of Light Mesons
(Project WASA)

Leader:    B.A. Morozov

Scientific Programme:
ide Angle Shower Apparatus) has been built up at the cooler storage ring CELSIUS (Uppsala, Sweden). About 80 researchers from Sweden, Russia, Poland, Germany and Japan are developing the sophisticated equipment. 10 members of the WASA collaboration are from JINR. The WASA 4 detector set-up uses an internal well-localized hydrogen or deuterium pellet target. An extremely thin-walled (0.18 rad.lengths) superconducting solenoid is placed inside an electromagnetic CsI(Na) calorimeter. Within the magnet, there is a track detector (17-layer straw drift chamber) surrounded by a thin layer of plastic scintillators. The tracker is able to measure the momentum of leptons with an accuracy of 1 2% in the range of 20 600 MeV/c. Particles emitted in the forward direction are measured by a forward spectrometer (calorimeter, tracker and trigger). At present, emphasis is laid on studies of production near the kinematics threshold of - and -- mesons in pp and pd interactions, bremsstrahlung, meson-nuclear quasi-bound system, dibaryon states and other exotic processes. Using forward - going recoils in the pd and dd reactions, very-near-threshold measurements of meson production are possible owing to a small-angle tagging spectrometer for which the quadrupoles and the first bending magnets downstream the target are used as components. The future research is focussed on the rare decays of light mesons 0, and, if the energy is raised, '. Among other things,these decays give a knowledge of fundamental symmetries, charge conjugation and parity, formfactors, possible exotic propagators and chiral perturbation theory.

Expected main results in 2003: In the first experiment at the newly constructed 4 -set-up, it is planned to investigate the nature of isospin violation in the + - 0 decay which is in Chiral Perturbation Theory connected with the mass difference between up and down quarks. Therefore, we propose:
- to measure the parameters of the + - 0 Dalitz plot distribution with an accuracy of about 3%,
- to measure the experimental value of the + - 0 / 2gamma branching ratio and to improve significantly the accuracy of the parameters that enter into theoretical calculations.
In accordance with this aim, our plans in 2003 are:
- to continue the study of the + - 0 decay in the CELSIUS ring (300-hour run),
- to publish three papers.
List of Activities
  Activity or project Spokespersons
WASA B.A. Morozov

Country or international
City Institute or Laboratory
Germany Hamburg Univ.
Julich FZJ
Tubingen EKU
Japan Osaka RCNP OU
Tsukuba KEK
Poland Lodz SINS
Warsaw IEP WU
Russia Moscow SSC-ITEP
Novosibirsk BINP RAS-SD
Petrozavodsk PetrSU
Sweden Uppsala Univ.
USA Los Angeles, CA UCLA
Tempe, AZ ASU

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