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Organized by:
JINR (Dubna), RIKEN (Wako), GSI (Darmstadt), GANIL (Caen)

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blue.gif (908 bytes)   [News]
blue.gif (908 bytes)   [Organizing Committee]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [First Circular]
blue.gif (908 bytes)   [Second Circular]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Topics]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Application Form]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Visa Form]
star-gr.gif (941 bytes)  [Abstracts]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Proceedings]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Symposium Fee]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Programme]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Participants]
blue.gif (908 bytes)   [Contacts]
blue.gif (908 bytes)   [Venue]

blue.gif (908 bytes)   [Excursions]


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shar.gif (964 bytes)ABSTRACTS:

The abstracts must be typewritten using MS WORD or LaTex and submitted by e-mail before 20 March, 2004. The abstracts should not exceed 1 page and be sent in the camera-ready form (17cm x 25.5 cm).


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© Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 2004
Web support by L. Kalmykova