J I N R N E W S ( 2 0 0 2 )
- 26.12.02
Schedule of JINR meetings for 2003 ( Eng )
- 6.12.02
Official Visits to JINR ( Rus )
- 29.11.02
Schedule of JINR meetings for 2003 ( Rus )
- 14.11.02
International Workshop
Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries
will be held in Dubna (Russia), July 24-29, 2003
- 13.11.02
DAAD Summerschool on Traffic and Econophysics
will be held in Dubna (Russia), July 28 - August 17, 2003
- 02.11.02
International Conference Nuclear Structure and Related Topics
will be held in Dubna (Russia), September 2 – 6, 2003
- 10.10.02
VII Conference for Young Scientists and Specialists
will be held in Dubna (Russia), February 3 - 8, 2003
- 08.10.02
VIII International Conference "NN2003"
''Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions'
will be held in Moscow, June 17-21, 2003
- 25.09.02
XIIth International Conference
"Selected Problems of Modern Physics"
Dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of D.I. Blokhintsev (1908-1979)
will be held in Dubna (Russia), June 8 - 11, 2003
- 28.08.02
The 10th International Conference on ION SOURCES
will be held in Dubna (Russia), September 8-13, 2003
- 17.07.02
International Conference "PHYSICS AND CONTROL" (PhysCon 2003)
will be held in Saint-Petersburg, (Russia), August, 20 - 22, 2003
- 5.07.02
Resolution of 92nd Session of the JINR Scientific Council ( Eng / Rus )
- 24.06.02
JINR Topical Plan for Research and International Cooperation - with Search from 1999 ( Rus )
- 21.06.02
Information about 92nd session of the JINR Scientific Council which was held in Dubna on June 6-7, 2002
- 27.04.02
Conference "Scientific Service at INTERNET" will be held at Abrau-Dyurso on September 23-28, 2002
- 18.04.02
Workshop "Quantum physics and communication" will be held in Dubna, May 16-17, 2002
- 19.03.02
2002 Topical Plan for Research and International Cooperation ( Eng ) - english version
- 15.03.02
Meeting of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the JINR Member States will be held in Dubna, 21-23 March 2002
- 14.03.02
Advanced materials and their characterization: JINR-Romanian Workshop (Dubna, 18-22 March, 2002)
- 26.02.02
Programme of the Seminar
ISAPAN-02 dedicated to the memory of Academician V. I. Veksler (4-6 March, 2002)
- 14.02.02
The 12th general conference "Trends in Physics" of the European Physical Society will be held in Budapest,
from Monday 26 to Friday 30 August 2002
- 13.02.02
The 2002 European School of High-Energy Physics will be hosted by the NESTOR Institute in Pylos, Greece, from Sunday 25th August to Saturday 7th September 2002
- 5.02.02
2002 Topical Plan for Research and International Cooperation ( Rus ) - russian version
- 4.02.02
Resolution of 91st Session of the JINR Scientific Council ( Eng / Rus )
- 31.01.02
New schedule of JINR meetings for 2002 ( Eng / Rus )
- 23.01.02
New version Web-page about basic Facilities of JINR with operation time tables for 2002 has been opened!
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