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Announcement board
- 06.02.2025
Review of Particles and Nuclei, Letters journal, #1 2025
The journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, Letters, brief name Particles and Nuclei, Letters, publishes the articles with results of the original theoretical, experimental, scientific-technical, methodical and applied research.
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- 05.02.2025
Baksan School on Astroparticle Physics invites applications
From 3 to 11 April 2025, the 17th “Particles and Cosmology” Baksan International School of Astrophysics will take place in the Prielbrusye National Park. The organizers are the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INR RAS) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.
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- 05.02.2025
Technologies for creating trusted systems discussed at Joint Institute Seminar
On 30 January, Director of the Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISP RAS), RAS Academician Harutyun Avetisyan spoke at a Joint Institute Seminar in the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at JINR. The talk provided plenty of relevant information about system programming and technologies for creating trusted computer systems, including those with artificial intelligence.
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- 05.02.2025
Grigory Trubnikov to participate in international conference at RUDN University
On 6 February 2025, Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Grigory Trubnikov will participate in the international scientific and practical conference entitled “The mission of the modern university in the challenges of transformation in a multipolar world”, which will take place at the Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia ( RUDN) in Moscow.
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- 03.02.2025
Brief review of 2024 JINR scientific results published
The JINR Scientific Information Department published the review of topmost scientific results obtained at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in 2024.
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- 31.01.2025
DLNP and MLIT JINR employees participated in JUNO Collaboration Meeting
From 13 to 17 January 2025, the 25th meeting of the international collaboration of the JUNO ( Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory) Experiment took place in Kaiping (Guangdong Province, China). Employees of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems (DLNP) have been actively involved in this project since its foundation.
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- 31.01.2025
MCE-2025 International Conference held with JINR participation
From 27 to 31 January, the 32th “Mathematics. Computing. Education” International Conference (MCU-2025) is taking place at the Pushchino Centre for Biological Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences ( RAS). The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is one of the event’s organizers.
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- 30.01.2025
JINR Summer School for Teachers: registration opened
The JINR University Centre invites applications for the International Scientific School for Physics Teachers, which will take place from 6 to 12 July 2025.
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- 29.01.2025
S&T Library exhibition of 2024 JINR publications
The JINR Publishing Department is holding an exhibition of 2024 works by the Institute’s researchers at the JINR Science and Technology Library. The exhibition takes place in two locations: at the Central Library (DLNP site, the building of the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics) until 31 January and at the branch of the Science and Technology Library at the Laboratory of High Energy Physics (building 3, 2nd floor) until 7 February 2025.
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- 29.01.2025
JINR developed approach to automating stages of modelling events in high energy physics
On 20 December, at the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies, Head of the MLIT Sector of Development and Maintenance of the JINR Digital Ecosystem Sergey Belov successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technology. The topic of the dissertation was big data methods and technologies for solving problems of high energy physics in distributed computing environments. The approach developed by the author is being used in the ATLAS Experiment at CERN. Sergey Belov’s opponents and the experts who spoke at the defence expressed a shared opinion that in terms of relevance, the scale of the work done, and the pioneering nature of the research, the dissertation exceeds the level required for awarding a Candidate’s degree.
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- 29.01.2025
Call for applications for START Summer session 2025
The START (STudent Advanced Research Training) programme invites students and postgraduates to join the research conducted at JINR supervised by the leading scientists and engineers. Applications for the Summer Session 2025 are accepted at start.jinr.ru until 31 March 2025.
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- 28.01.2025
Review of Particles & Nuclei, #1 (Vol. 56) 2025
Founded in 1970, the review journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, brief name Particles & Nuclei, is published by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna. This is the most influential physical review journal in Russia.
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- 27.01.2025
First issue of Natural Science Review published
At the end of December 2024, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research presented the first issue of the peer-reviewed scientific journal titled Natural Science Review. The published articles cover a wide range of scientific topics reflecting the journal’s multidisciplinary nature: accelerator physics, high energy physics, theoretical physics, and life sciences.
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- 27.01.2025
Ambassador of Republic of India to Russia visited JINR
On 23 January, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to the Russian Federation Vinay Kumar visited the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The agenda included a meeting with the group of Indian JINR employees and a visit to the NICA Accelerator Complex at the Laboratory of High Energy Physics and enterprises of the Dubna Special Economic Zone. Plans to further strenghten the JINR–India relations were discussed at a meeting in the JINR Directorate.
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- 27.01.2025
License to launch IBR-2 received
On 24 December 2024, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research received a license from the
Federal Service for Environmental, Technological, and Nuclear Supervision of Russia to launch the IBR-2 Research Nuclear Facility at the Laboratory of Neutron Physics and bring it to power after repairing the heat exchangers in the second circuit of the reactor cooling system. The first IBR-2 operating cycle is set to take place from 17 February to 3 March.
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- 24.01.2025
60th meeting of PAC for Condensed Matter Physics
On 27 January 2025, the 60th meeting of the Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics (PAC CMP) will take place at the JINR International Conference Centre. The key topics of the discussion will be preparation for the launch of the IBR-2 Pulsed Reactor and the current state of its spectrometer complex.
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- 23.01.2025
Dubna branch of Moscow State University launches IT Master’s course
On 20 January, the JINR-based Dubna branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) announced the opening of enrolment for a new Master’s course entitled “Methods and technologies of data processing in heterogeneous computing environments”. Document submission will open in June 2025. Pre-registration for the enrolment is available on the branch’s website. There are 10 state-funded and 10 fee-based quotas.
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- 22.01.2025
60th meeting of JINR Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics
On 23–24 January 2025, the 60th meeting of the Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics will take place at the JINR International Conference Centre. The event will focus on JINR’s ongoing nuclear physics projects and the development of the main facilities the projects are implemented at.
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- 21.01.2025
Device for producing material for cryogenic neutron moderators
We offer to your attention a preprint “Operating principles of a device for producing dispersed moderating material in the form of balls for cryogenic neutron moderators” P18-2024-60, issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Ivan Litvak, Maksim Bulavin, Roman Chepurchenko, and Aleksey Galushko, researchers of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics at JINR.
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- 17.01.2025
New Book Acquisitions exhibition in S&T Library
From 9 to 31 January 2025, the JINR Science and Technology Library invites visitors to the New Book Acquisitions exhibition.
A complete bibliography is available on the S&T Library website in the New Acquisitions. Books section.
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- 17.01.2025
New tellurium-loaded scintillators contribute to search for neutrinoless ββ-decay
Researchers of the Department of Nuclear Spectroscopy and Radiochemistry at the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems at JINR, in cooperation with Dubna State University, presented the first results of developing new tellurium-loaded plastic scintillators. Scintillators based on polystyrene, poly(methyl methacrylate), and their copolymers are designed for detectors that are used to search for and study neutrinoless double beta decay.
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- 17.01.2025
61st meeting of PAC for Particle Physics
On 20 January, the 61st meeting of the JINR Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics will take place at the JINR International Conference Centre. The committee members will consider reports on the progress of current projects and proposals for initiating new ones and prolongating those that are nearing completion. Joint Institute employees will make presentations on their latest research results.
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- 15.01.2025
JINR scientists discovered new microorganism genomes in Baksan Neutrino Observatory
As part of a study of an underground microbial community of a hydrothermal spring located at a depth of about 2 kilometres in the Baksan Neutrino Observatory tunnel, researchers of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems at JINR discovered and analysed a previously unknown community of 19 microorganisms that includes new bacteria genera.The results of the scientists’ work will expand the understanding of the biodiversity of deep underground ecosystems and ways to adapt to living deep underground. In addition, the research will make it possible to find applications for unique functional genes from such microbiomes in biotechnological production and bioremediation of polluted environments.
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- 15.01.2025
Registration for Wave 12 of INTEREST Programme opens
From 3 March to 20 April 2025, the JINR University Centre will hold the Wave 12 of the INTEREST (International Remote Student Training) online programme. As part of the training, participants work on selected projects under the JINR researchers’ supervision. Interest is a prospective platform for the development of international cooperation in education allowing students and postgraduates to get acquainted with the activities of the Institute and carry out projects remotely.
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- 10.01.2025
MLIT JINR summarised year’s results
On 27 December, the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies held the annual debriefing with the participation of the JINR Directorate. At the meeting, MLIT Director Sergei Shmatov and MLIT Scientific Leader Vladimir Korenkov presented the main results of the Laboratory’s activities in 2024 and plans for the coming year. The winners of the JINR youth grants and prizes among MLIT researchers were announced.
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- 09.01.2025
Collaborative articles by JINR and participants of INTEREST and START Student Programmes published
In 2024, two publications were issued in Minerals and Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, co-authored by JINR researchers and participants of the international INTEREST and START Student Programmes.
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- 01.01.2025
Liberation Day in Cuba
On 1 January, the Republic of Cuba, a JINR Member State, celebrates Liberation Day, the main national holiday.
The Institute’s Directorate congratulates Cuban colleagues and partners on Liberation Day and wishes them and their families good health, happiness, well-being, luck, and new professional successes for the benefit of science and progress!
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- 01.01.2025
Day of the Establishment of the Slovak Republic
1 January marks the Day of the Establishment of the Slovak Republic, a Member State of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Slovakia (earlier as part of CSSR, and since 1993 as an independent state) has participated in JINR activities since its foundation.
The Institute’s Directorate congratulates Cuban colleagues and partners on Liberation Day and wishes them and their families good health, happiness, well-being, luck, and new professional successes for the benefit of science and progress!
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- 28.12.2024
New Year’s greeting of JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov
Dear friends and colleagues!
We have several festive days ahead of us, and a year full of intensive and interesting work, challenges, achievements, and victories behind us. It’s time to take a moment to reflect on the results and think about the future in anticipation of the greatest joy of our profession, the birth of new knowledge, and the almost magical transformation of ideas into reality.
Happy New Year, dear friends! Wishing your families happiness, success, and joy!
JINR Director, RAS Academician Grigory Trubnikov
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- 29.12.2024
Happy New Year 2025!
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