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Announcement board
- 30.12.2021
Address of JINR Director G. V. Trubnikov to the staff
Dear colleagues, dear citizens of Dubna,
A little more than a year ago, nobody could have imagined how our lives would change. The life of every person, every family. The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly taken over the entire world, and it will never be the same again obviously.
Transport restrictions, social isolation, the mandatory wearing of masks and gloves. We did everything possible to save the most significant things – health and life both our own and of our loved ones.
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- 30.12.2021
Installation of SRC configuration at BM@N completed
The Laboratory of High Energy Physics JINR has completed an important stage in the preparation of an experiment on SRC (Short-Range Correlation – short-range two-nucleon correlations in the carbon nucleus) at the BM@N facility of the NICA accelerator complex.
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- 30.12.2021
Review journal Particles & Nuclei, #6 (Vol. 52) 2021
Founded in 1970, the review journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, brief name Particles & Nuclei, is published by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna. This is the most influential physical review journal in Russia.
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- 29.12.2021
Day off on vaccination day and day to rest after it
This is the way the JINR Directorate has decided to support employees who are getting vaccinated. Vaccination and revaccination against COVID-19 are available daily, 24 hours a day in the emergency room of Medical Unit No.9. Vaccination in the medical points at both sites of the Institute will be available again after the new year holidays.
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- 29.12.2021
First magnet in tunnel
On 28 December, the first superconducting magnet was installed in the tunnel of the NICA accelerator complex. Moreover, a testing system of the MPD solenoid was launched. The festive event took place with the participation of the Institute’s Directorate, heads of the JINR scientific laboratories, and representatives of the organisations involved in the construction of the collider.
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- 27.12.2021
Launch of Baikal-GVD is one of most important scientific events of 2021
According to the annual survey of the Russian TV channel “Science”, the launch of the project in March this year is the key event of the Year of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation. It has completed the list of the top 5 scientific events of 2021.
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- 27.12.2021
STC JINR: scientific results and structure optimisation in 2021
On 23 December, results of the scientific year at the Institute were summed up at a joint meeting of the JINR Science and Technology Council and the Institute’s Directorate. Participants discussed plans and goals of JINR, including long-term ones. JINR Director RAS Academician Grigory Trubnikov in his report spoke about the brightest scientific results attained in 2021 by each of the Institute’s laboratories, as well as about the ongoing and upcoming changes at the Institute.
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- 24.12.2021
New Year address by JINR Director RAS Academician Grigory Trubnikov
Dear colleagues, friends! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!It is a tradition to conclude the outgoing year by looking at the results and to welcome the new one with plans and expectations.The 65th anniversary of the Institute and our bright scientific achievements today are a marvellous occasion to thank on behalf of the many-thousand international team of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research the Member States, as well as Associate Members and partners of the Institute for their extensive support.
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- 24.12.2021
SOChI station of NICA complex registered ion beam
The event took place during the first commissioning of equipment of the irradiation station SOChI and the beam transportation channel at night of 22 – 23 December 2021.
During the works, the magnetic system of the channel was commissioned, the beam was transported to the SOCHi station where several detectors registered it, including the ionizing monitor at microchannel plates, thy luminiferous and scintillation detectors.
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- 24.12.2021
“Dubna. Birth of the World” on “Russia-Cultura” TV-channel
On the eve of the New Year holidays, the “Russia-Cultura” TV channel will broadcast a series of documentaries dedicated to Dubna as a world scientific centre and the development of JINR from the very beginning to the present day. Documentaries will be shown from 27 to 30 December at 9:30 PM. All broadcasts will be also available on Smotrim.ru.
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- 24.12.2021
Review of the journal «Particles and Nuclei, Letters», #7 2021
The journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, Letters, brief name Particles and Nuclei, Letters, publishes the articles with results of the original theoretical, experimental, scientific-technical, methodical and applied research.
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- 24.12.2021
Use of green plants for treatment of mine and industrial sewage
At present, one of the research areas in the Sector of Neutron Activation Analysis and Applied Research of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics (SNAA&AR of FLNP) is a phytoremediation method.
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- 24.12.2021
Awards of Mongolian Academy of Sciences presented to MLIT employees
On 23 December, a regular meeting of the Science and Technology Council of the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies took place. MLIT staff members were presented with awards on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences.
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- 23.12.2021
New technological solution for NICA
Implementation of the NICA megascience accelerator complex is underway in the Laboratory of High Energy Physics JINR. The future collider will have no analogues in the world, so many of its engineering solutions should also be unique and oriented at the problems of modern science
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- 23.12.2021
Results of Youth JINR Prize Competition 2021
Results have been announced of the JINR Prize Competition for young scientists and specialists 2020-2021 held on 15.12.2021.
Works selected by the programme committees of two conferences (Alushta-2021 and AYSS-2021) took part in the competition.
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- 23.12.2021
Project “Scriabin. The Universe” in JINR Synchrophasotron Hall
Laureates of international competitions Andrei Korobeinikov and Andrey Gugnin have performed the music by Scriabin. On 27 and 28 December, the programmes will be broadcast on the “Russia-Cultura” TV channel.
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- 22.12.2021
JINR scientist became laureate of Fedorov Competition
In December, at a meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Engineering, the results were announced of the All-Russian Competition named after the pioneer of printing Ivan Fedorov for the best scientific and methodical work. Professor Alexander Malakhov, a famous Russian physicist, Head of the Scientific and Experimental Department of Heavy Ion Physics of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics JINR, is among the laureates of the competition in 2021.
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- 22.12.2021
Video: at seminar dedicated to 80th anniversary of JINR Scientific Leader V. A. Matveev
A jubilee seminar organised in honour of the 80th anniversary of JINR Scientific Leader Academician Victor Matveev took place in the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.
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- 22.12.2021
New release of cartoon “Baikal Seal and the Mystery of the Lake”
The Laboratory of Popular Science Animation of the School for Young Film-Makers of the Tregubovich Children’s and Youth Film Festival has completed its final work, the animated film about the Baikal Neutrino Telescope “Baikal seal and the mystery of the Lake”. The Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems took an active part in its creation.
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- 21.12.2021
Meeting of STC JINR jointly with Directorate
On 23 December (Thursday) 2021, the meeting of the JINR Science and Technology Council will be held in a hybrid format in the JINR International Conference Hall. The beginning of the event is set at 3:00 PM.
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- 20.12.2021
Workshop on application of tagged neutrons method in ecology
On 16 December, the Workshop on the application of the tagged neutrons method in ecology took place in a hybrid format in the JINR Scientists’ Club. Participants focused their attention on the opportunities opened up by this method in measuring the carbon content in soils.
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- 20.12.2021
Final of “Science. Terriotry of Heroes” Competition with JINR participation
Yesterday, on 19 December, the superfinal of the second season of the All-Russian popular science competition for school children and students “Science. Territory of Heroes” was held. The Joint Institute took part in the organisation of the event.
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- 20.12.2021
JINR Grants for Dubna teachers!
To support the skill level and to stimulate creative activities of teachers who implement educational activities on subjects and techniques necessary for training the staff for JINR, as well as to encourage the best Dubna teachers, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research announces an annual city contest of teachers and teachers of additional education of Dubna for JINR grants. The JINR Directorate kindly invites Dubna teachers to take part in the competition. The deadline for applications is set on 25 February 2022.
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- 18.12.2021
Jubilee of Victor Matveev is big holiday for everyone
On 17 December, these words opened an international seminar dedicated to the 80th anniversary of JINR Scientific Leader, a Member of the RAS Presidium, Academician Victor Anatolievich Matveev. The event organised in a hybrid format brought together more than 200 participants.
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- 17.12.2021
JINR and Mexico: looking to the future
A special webinar was organized on 16 December 2021 to present JINR current activities and projects to an extended audience of the Mexican scientific community, as well as to discuss opportunities for further enhancement of joint Mexico-JINR research activities.
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- 17.12.2021
New Year Gift from Space
The Neutrino Telescope on Lake Baikal has detected a signal from a radio blazar flare.
On 8 December 2021, scientists from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole announced the observation of a track, a candidate for the astrophysical neutrino with an estimated energy of about 172 TeV.One of the brightest radio blazars in the sky, PKS 0735+17, is located in the region where the neutrino was presumably born (considering the direction of the incoming particle).
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- 17.12.2021
Celebrating national holiday of the Republic of Kazakhstan
On 15 December 2021, the national group of the Republic of Kazakhstan in JINR and the team of the Institute of Nuclear Physics (INP) of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan had a joint festive meeting on the occasion of the celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan via videoconference.
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- 16.12.2021
Remembering founding fathers: Albert Tavkhelidze
On 16 December, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research remembers an outstanding world-famous theoretical physicist, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Academician of RAS Albert NikiforovichTavkhelidze (16.12.1930 – 27.02.2010).
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- 16.12.2021
Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan
On 16 and 17 December, the Republic of Kazakhstan, a JINR Member State, celebrates its main national holiday – the Independence Day. This year is an anniversary date – Kazakhstan turns 30 years old as an independent state.
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- 15.12.2021
Discussing modern trends in physics at conference in Baku
VII International Conference “Modern Trends in Physics” (MTP-2021) is being held on 15 – 17 December. It is a platform for discussions on a wide range of topics linked to various domains of physics at all levels, thus influencing tomorrow’s outlook to better education and research. The Conference has gathered scientists from 17 countries in a hybrid format.
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- 15.12.2021
Seminar dedicated to 80th anniversary of Victor Matveev
On 17 December, a seminar dedicated to the 80th anniversary of JINR Scientific Leader Academician Victor Matveev will be held in the Conference Hall of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR. The beginning of the seminar is scheduled at 10:00 AM.
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- 14.12.2021
Application of tagged neutrons method in ecology to be discussed in Dubna
This will be the topic of the Workshop that will take place in a hybrid format in the JINR Scientists’ Club on 16 December. Participants will discuss the application of the method in ecological studies.
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- 13.12.2021
SPD Collaboration is in good shape
From 13 to 15 December, a meeting of the SPD Collaboration is taking place in the online format. The event has become the second in a row and gathered more than 100 participants. The meeting is a platform for discussions on the progress in the SPD experiment at the NICA complex and various issues of the Collaboration’s operation.
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- 13.12.2021
INTEREST progamme invites project supervisors
At the beginning of 2022, the next Wave of the international INTEREST programme will start. It will be already the 6th one in a row. On 17 January, the submission of applications for projects will be available for students. In this regard, the organisers of the programme invite JINR researchers to upload proposals for projects on the programme’s website before this date.
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- 11.12.2021
Victor Matveev turns 80
Today, on 11 December, Victor Anatolievich Matveev celebrates his 80th anniversary. Victor Matveev is an outstanding theoretical physicist and science organizer, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a Member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Leader of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna.
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- 10.12.2021
10 young scientists of JINR at Congress in Sochi
Today, on 8 of December, the Young Scientists Congress has started at the Sirius Art and Science Park in Sochi. The main results of the Year of Science and Technology in Russia are being summarised. A delegation of 10 young scientists presented all seven scientific laboratories of the Joint Institute is taking part in the event. JINR Director Academician Grigory Trubnikov is a participant in two topical tracks at the Congress.
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- 10.12.2021
JINR congratulated IN2P3 on its 50th anniversary
The National Institute of Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics ( Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules – IN2P3) is a JINR long-standing partner. The year of the 50th anniversary of this scientific centre coincided with the year of the JINR 65th anniversary. In this regard, the organisations have taken a mutual part in a number of cross jubilee events.
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- 10.12.2021
JINR invited Russian school children to create ecological atlas of Europe
The proposal to participate in collecting moss for the scientific study was announced on 9 December, at the Young Scientists Congress in the Sirius educational centre in Sochi. Head of the Sector of Neutron Activation Analysis and Applied Research of FLNP JINR Inga Zinicovscaia invited Russian school children to create an ecological atlas of Europe at the discussion “Big science at school: how school students may contribute to the scientific and technological development of the country”.
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- 10.12.2021
Remembering founding fathers: Henryk Niewodniczański
On 10 December, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research recalls one of its founding fathers – the renowned Polish experimental physicist Henryk Niewodniczański (1900–1968). Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Polish Academy of Sciences, he made a significant contribution to the development of the Institute, being also a member of the JINR Scientific Council in 1956 – 1968.
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- 09.12.2021
About Vietnam-JINR cooperation in Da Lat
JINR has taken part in the Vietnam Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology ( VINANST-14) held on 9 – 10 December in Da Lat. The organiser of VINANST-14 is the Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM). The cooperation agreement on carrying out research and training of the scientific and engineering staff signed in 2019 strengthened a long-standing partnership between JINR and this organisation.
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- 09.12.2021
Universities need development at science-driven territories
On 9 December 2021, within the track “Staff and human resources” of the Young Scientists Congress in Sochi, there was a discussion “Development of human capital in science-driven territories”. JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov took part in it.
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- 09.12.2021
Winners of I. M. Frank Scholarship competition announced
The Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR hosted the already traditional Conference of young scientists and specialists of FLNP from 30 November to 2 December. The first Conference was held in December 2016, when its participants were holders of grants of the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR for the previous year, applicants for the next year, and applicants for I. M. Frank and F. L. Shapiro Scholarships.
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- 09.12.2021
Video: at CP session in Bulgaria
At first, the session of the Committee of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the Governments of the JINR Member States was held in Bansko. The historic event took place at the session: the Arab Republic of Egypt became a full-fledged JINR Member State.
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- 08.12.2021
First meeting of directors of JINR Information Centres
On 1 – 3 December, directors of already existing and planned for opening JINR Information Centres in Vladikavkaz, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Rostov-on-Don, Saratov gathered in the Joint Institute for experience exchange. The meeting was designed as a shortened JEMS programme and was concluded with a round table “JINR Information Centres: experience and prospects”. It took place in a hybrid format with the participation of interested representatives from Belarus, Bulgaria, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Moldavia, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia. Head of the JINR International Cooperation Department Dmitry Kamanin moderated the event.
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- 07.12.2021
About superconducting magnets at NICA accelerator complext
Despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic, the implementation of the NICA complex is successfully moving forward. It will have the form of a multi-stage cascade of accelerators. Before entering the main ring of the collider, ions will be previously accelerated in other units of the facility. Superconducting magnets are used to accelerate particles and keep them on the required path. The technology of magnets was developed at the Joint Institute.
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- 07.12.2021
What megasience sounds like?
Concluding the Year of Science and Technology, in which JINR is an active participant, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation presented the scientific achievements of the year in the form of a music album “Sounds of Science”. As the site of the project says, this is “an exhibition where you can learn about nine brightest scientific projects of the Year of Science and Technology”. The NICA and Baikal-GVD megascience projects included in the programme of the Year are among them.
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- 03.12.2021
2022 proclaimed International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is one of the organisers of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD) and is a member of the IYBSSD 2022 Steering Committee. The decision to proclaim 2022 the Year of Basic Sciences was taken on 2 December by the UN General Assembly.
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- 03.12.2021
Exhibition dedicated to anniversary of scientist
On 6 December, the JINR Science and Technology Library opens a literature exhibition dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of a world-famous Russian physicist, an organiser of science and a public figure, Director of JINR from 2012 to 2020, Scientific Leader of JINR, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Victor Anatolievich Matveev.
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- 03.12.2021
Students from SPBU and FEFU at MLIT
On 15 – 28 November 2021, 2nd year Master degree students from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes of St. Petersburg University passed their pre-graduation practice at the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies. Simultaneously with the SPBU group, students from the Institute of Science-Intensive Technologies and Advanced Materials of the Far Eastern Federal University came to MLIT for a longer practice.
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- 02.12.2021
JINR Director took part in meeting of EU Scientific Advisors in Russia
The event took place online on 2 December under the auspices of the Delegation of the European Union to the Russian Federation. Director of the Joint Institute Grigory Trubnikov introduced participants to the working principles of the Institute, its key fields of activities, and flagship projects.
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- 02.12.2021
Sociological survey of JINR staff
JINR Department of Science Organisation Activities in cooperation with the Department of Sociology and Human Sciences of Dubna State University is conducting a survey on the social satisfaction of the JINR staff with the organisation of work and with working, living, research, and recreational conditions. We invite you to participate in this survey by filling in a questionnaire.
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- 01.12.2021
JINR scientists won grants of Russian Science Foundation
On 30 November, the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) summed up the results of the competition 2021 in the priority field of activity “Conducting fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific studies by small scientific groups”. Projects by scientists of the Joint Institute are one of the winners of the grants.
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- 01.12.2021
Great Union Day of Romania
1 December marks the Great Union Day of Romania. This holiday dates back to 1918 when just after World War I, Romanians from Transylvania and Banat voted for the unification with the Romanian Kingdom.
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- 01.12.2021
Member States: prospects for cooperation discussed in Tashkent
A delegation of the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics JINR took part in the International Conference “Modern Problems of Nuclear Energetics and Nuclear Technologies” held on 23 – 25 November 2021 in Tashkent (the Republic of Uzbekistan) and dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences (INP AS RUz).
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- 30.11.2021
Neutron Focusing in Time and Magnification of the Time Lens
We offer to your attention a preprint “Neutron Focusing in Time and Magnification of the Time Lens” P3-2021-36 published by the JINR Publishing Department. The author is A. I. Frank.
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- 29.11.2021
Meeting of CERN-Russia Committee held
The event became the 44th in a row and was held on the platform of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The key topics of discussion were the current status of CERN experiments and the participation of the Russian party in them. One of the new elements in the joint agenda was the discussion of the Russian Federation’s programme Priority 2030 and the growing participation of Russian universities in the CERN programmes.
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- 29.11.2021
Award “For Loyalty to Science” presented to Yuri Oganessian
On 28 November 2021, the festive presentation of the VII All-Russian Award “For Loyalty to Science” was held in the State Kremlin Palace of Russia. Scientific Leader of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions JINR RAS Academician Yuri Oganessian became a laureate in the nomination “Special contribution made by scientists, journalists, teachers, and public figures.” A senior researcher of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems JINR Mark Shirchenko was also among the shortlisted candidates for the award in this nomination.
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- 27.11.2021
President of Bulgaria on his participation in CP JINR session
The website of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria published information about the participation of the head of the country Rumen Radev in the ceremonial meeting of the session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research on 23 November in Sofia.
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- 26.11.2021
Sofia Declaration: international dialogue for scientific integration
On 22 November 2021, at the session of the Committee of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the Governments of the JINR Member States held in Bulgaria, a Declaration was adopted to highlight the value of international scientific and technological integration in solving the tasks of strengthening peace, mutual understanding, and socio-economic progress of all the countries.
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- 26.11.2021
JINR Topical Plan 2022 approved
The Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States, at its session held on 22 – 23 November 2021, has approved the Topical Plan for JINR research and international cooperation in 2022.
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- 25.11.2021
The Yield of γ Quanta from the Reaction of Nuclear Fusion in Muonic Molecules ptμ and pdμ
We offer to your attention a preprint “The Yield of γ Quanta from the Reaction of Nuclear Fusion in Muonic Molecules ptμ and pdμ” Ä15-2021-35 published by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are A. Adamczak et al.
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- 24.11.2021
Serbia approached to full-fledge membership in JINR
On 22 November, an Action Plan for advance of the Republic of Serbia to full membership in the Joint Institute was signed at the session of the Committee of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the Governments of the JINR Member States (CP) in Bulgaria. JINR Director Academician Grigory Trubnikov and State Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia Marijana Duki? Mijatovi? signed the document.
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- 24.11.2021
President of Bulgaria welcomed participants of CP session of JINR
On 23 November, President of Bulgaria Rumen Radev personally attended a festive meeting held in the frames of the session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States. Thus, for the first time in a long period, the CP session was marked with the participation of a head of a state.
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- 23.11.2021
Booklet “Life Sciences at Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics”
At the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics (FLNP) of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) much attention is paid to life science research for more than half a century now.
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- 22.11.2021
Egypt became full-fledged JINR Member State
On 22 November, at the visiting session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States in Bansko, Members of the Committee unanimously decided to raise the status of the Arab Republic of Egypt in JINR up to a full-fledged JINR Member State.
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- 22.11.2021
JINR results presented at current CP session
JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov presented the main results and key directions of the Institute’s development in his report at the current session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States in Bulgaria. In his speech, Grigory Trubnikov paid particular attention to JINR’s flagship projects, the progress on which has so far amounted to 72%.
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- 19.11.2021
The Dynamics of Oscillation Instability of the IBR-2M Reactor. The Noise Analysis
We offer to your attention a preprint “The Dynamics of Oscillation Instability of the IBR-2M Reactor. The Noise Analysis” P13-2021-29 published by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Yu. N. Pepelyshev, Ts. Tsogtsaikhan.
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- 18.11.2021
Visiting CP session and meeting of Finance Committee in Bulgaria
The beginning of the next week will be marked by a session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States that will take place on 22 – 23 November 2021 in Bansko and Sofia, Bulgaria. The planned participation of President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev confirms the high status of the event.
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- 16.11.2021
UNESCO Prize in the Basic Sciences awarded in Paris
On 15 November, laureates of the Prize Yuri Oganessian and Vincenzo Balzani received gold medals with the portrait of D. I. Mendeleev and honorary diplomas in the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. Moreover, each scientist will receive USD 250,000. The festive ceremony conducted by Shamila Nair-Bedouelle, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, took place within the 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference. On the day of the Prize presentation, President of Russia V. V. Putin sent a congratulatory telegram to Yuri Oganessian.
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- 16.11.2021
Agreement between CNRS and JINR signed
The agreement implies the development of cooperation between JINR and the French National Centre for Scientific Research ( CNRS) relating to staff training, which unites governmental organisations in the fields of applied and fundamental research. On 15 November, Director of JINR Grigory Trubnikov and CNRS President Antoine Petit signed the document.
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- 16.11.2021
Neutrinos and involvement of youth in science discussed at first webinar of Infocentres
On 15 November, the first webinar of JINR Information Centres “Along the Meridian: From the White Sea to Southern Africa” took place. It was the first meeting of a planned series aimed to fulfil the motto of JINR “Science brings nations together”. The goal of the series is to gather already operating and future JINR Information Centres with their partner network in order to encourage their communication and coverage of the Institute’s scientific agenda.
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- 16.11.2021
Review of the journal «Particles and Nuclei, Letters», #6 2021
The journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, Letters, brief name Particles and Nuclei, Letters, publishes the articles with results of the original theoretical, experimental, scientific-technical, methodical and applied research.
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- 15.11.2021
JINR scientists included in shortlist of award “For Loyalty to Science”
Scientific Leader of FLNR JINR, Academician Yuri Oganessian and DLNP senior researcher Mark Shirchenko have become candidates for an award in the nomination “Special Award for contribution to the popularisation of science and technology among scientists, journalists, teachers and public figures.”
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- 15.11.2021
Remembering founding fathers: Horia Hulubei
15 November, the 125th anniversary of the birth of the famous Romanian scientist Horia Hulubei (1896 – 1972) is celebrated. Doctor of Science in Physics, Professor, Academician of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the French Academy of Sciences and of the Portuguese Academy of Sciences Horia Hulubei played an important role in the foundation of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and the development of international cooperation in it as the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of Romania to JINR.
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- 15.11.2021
First international JINR webinar: The Universe through the Baikal Neutrino Telescope
On 15 November 2021, at 4:00 PM (Moscow time), the first international JINR webinar “Along the Meridian: From the White Sea to Southern Africa” will take place. It will unite several JINR Information Centres and the organisations planning to open such centres. Head of the JINR Neutrino Programme, Deputy Director of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems of JINR, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Dmitry V. Naumov will make a report “The Universe through the Baikal Neutrino Telescope”.
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- 12.11.2021
Awarding ceremony of UNESCO-Russia Mendeleev Prize
On 15 November, the UNESCO House in Paris will host an awarding ceremony of the UNESCO-Russia Mendeleev International Prize in the Basic Sciences. Scientific Leader of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions JINR Academician Yuri Tsolakovich Oganessian has become the first laureate of the Prize and will take an in-person part in the ceremony.
The broadcast of the event will start at 9:30 PM (Moscow time) and will be available via the link.
Please, find below an interview with Yuri Oganessian before the presentation of the prestigious prize.
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- 12.11.2021
JINR and RAS Institute of Archaeology plan to develop interdisciplinary research
Prospects for cooperation were discussed at a meeting with Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Archaeology RAS Nikolay Makarov who visited the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research on 10 November.
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- 12.11.2021
Training scientific staff to implement JINR plans for neutron research development
We offer to your attention a preprint “On the Training of Scientific Personnel for the Implementation of Strategic Plans for the Development of Neutron Research at JINR” P3-2021-14 published by the JINR Publishing Department. The author is V. L. Aksenov.The preprint is issued to the 65th anniversary of JINR.
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- 11.11.2021
JINR announces photo competition “Scientific Staff”
On the occasion of World Science Day, which is celebrated on 10 November, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research announces a photo competition for employees “Scientific Staff” dedicated to the 65th anniversary of JINR.
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- 11.11.2021
JINR employees received Moscow region awards
The title of Honorary Citizen of the Moscow Region – the higher regional award – was presented to Yuri Oganessian. This and other awards were presented to employees of the Joint Institute during a visit of Governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyev to Dubna on World Science Day, 10 November.
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- 11.11.2021
Competition for I. M. Frank and F. L. Shapiro scholarships
A competition for I. M. Frank and F. L. Shapiro scholarships for young scientists in 2022 is open.
All applications for the scholarships (with a list of publications for the last 5 years and abtracts in Russian (1-2 pages) reflecting the applicant’s personal contribution to this research) should be submitted to the FLNP Scientific Secretary (room 76, bldg. 42) no later than 10:00 AM 25 November 2021. Please, specify in the abstract the section to which the application is submitted. A recommendation letter from the Head of the group or sector should be provided as well.
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- 10.11.2021
Celebrating World Science Day: JINR’s contribution to climate protection
Participants of the TANGRA collaboration on the platform of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR are developing a mobile setup based on the tagged neutron method for determining soil organic carbon (SOC) content. This method allows to carry out prompt nondestructive elemental analysis of various substances and materials, in some cases without removing samples from their natural environment. The tagged neutron method is used in security systems, as well as in the mining industry, and etc.
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- 10.11.2021
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mexico visited JINR
On 9 November, a delegation of the Embassy of the United Mexican States to the Russian Federation headed by Ambassador Norma Bertha Pensado Moreno visited JINR.
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- 10.11.2021
Interview with heads of Bulgarian and Serbian diplomatic missions
On 8 November, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bulgaria to the Russian Federation Atanas Krastin visited the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. His visit was organised on the platform of the 19th international training programme “JINR Expertise for Member States and Partner Countries” (JEMS-19). On the same day, Charge d’Affaires of the Republic of Serbia in the Russian Federation Slavoljub Carić arrived at JINR to discuss cooperation in the framework of the fulfillment of the Roadmap of Serbian-JINR Cooperation.
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- 10.11.2021
Grigory Trubnikov at Falling Walls scientific summit in Berlin
On 7 – 9 November 2021, the JINR Director took part in plenary meetings of the international forum and had a number of working meetings with some key scientific leaders, including Scientific Managing Director of GSI/FAIR Paolo Giubellino, Secretary General of the Volkswagen Foundation Georg Schütte, Chairman of the DESY Board of Directors Helmut Dosch, Director for International Relations of CERN Charlotte Warakaulle, President of the Carnegie Institution for Science (USA) Eric D. Isaacs, Chief Executive of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Ottoline Leyser, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Falling Walls Foundation Jürgen Mlynek, as well as Federal Minister of Education and Research of Germany Anja Karliczek and Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the German Federal Republic Sergey Nechaev.
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- 08.11.2021
Visits of heads of Bulgarian and Serbian diplomatic missions opened JEMS internship
From 8 to 12 November 2021, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is holding the 19th international training programme “JINR Expertise for Member States and Partner Countries” (JEMS-19). Heads and specialists of research and educational institutions of Bulgaria and Serbia take part in the current training programme. On the first day of the internship, heads of the diplomatic missions of both countries in the Russian Federation also joined the event.
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- 03.11.2021
Yuri Oganessian became first laureate of UNESCO-Russia Mendeleev Prize
Today, on 3 November, laureates of the UNESCO-Russia Mendeleev International Prize in the Basic Sciences were announced. The first laureate of the Prize is Scientific Leader of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions JINR Yuri Tsolakovich Oganessian.
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- 03.11.2021
Possible Studies at the First Stage of the NICA Collider Operation
We offer to your attention a preprint “Possible Studies at the First Stage of the NICA Collider Operation with Polarized and Unpolarized Proton and Deuteron Beams” E2-2021-12 published by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Abramov V. V. et al.
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- 02.11.2021
JINR interested in developing active cooperation with the European Union
JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov presented this approach at a meeting with EU Ambassador to the Russian Federation Markus Ederer who visited JINR at the end of October.
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- 01.11.2021
Lecture by Dmitry Kazakov on Youtube
We offer to your attention a lecture “Journey to microcosm with theoretical physicist” by Director of the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of JINR Dmitry Kazakov published on the YouTube channel of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). Over 1.2 million viewers have watched the lecture.
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- 01.11.2021
JINR Youth Grant Competition 2022
Association of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS) of JINR announces a Grant Competition for JINR Young Scientists and Specialists 2022.
Young scientists and specialists of JINR and skilled workers of JINR departments (under 35 years old as of 31 December 2021) are invited to take part in the Grant Competition.
Terms and conditions of participation in the Competition can be found in
the grant regulations (in Russian).
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- 29.10.2021
At STC JINR meeting: discussing key results with view to future
Key achievements of the Institute were presented at an online meeting of the JINR Science and Technology Council with the extended JINR Directorate on 28 October. 80% of general construction works have been completed at the NICA collider, the second cascade of the complex is being prepared for commissioning, specialists are installing the new DGFRS-3 pre-separator at the Superheavy Elements Factory at which test experiments are scheduled for the end of the year, eight clusters of the Baikal-GVD neutrino telescope with 2304 optical modules are now collecting data.
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- 29.10.2021
Fifth “NICA Bulletin” issued
We offer to your attention the fifth issue of the regular NICA Bulletin reviewing the progress of the implementation of the JINR flagship international project “NICA Complex”.
Download “NICA Bulletin” ¹5, 2021 (PDF, 1.60 Mb)
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- 28.10.2021
New formats of JINR-MIPT cooperation
During the visit of MIPT Rector Dmitry Livanov to JINR, it was noted that it is important for the scientific youth to gain work experience in laboratories with advanced scientific infrastructure under the supervision of world-class scientists. MIPT considers JINR exactly such a partner and is interested in extending cooperation in the fields of experimental high energy physics and theoretical physics.
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- 28.10.2021
Modern trends in physics to be discussed in Baku
From 15 to 17 December, the Baku State University will host the VII International Conference “Modern Trends in Physics” (MTP-2021).
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- 28.10.2021
Independent Czechoslovak State Day
On 28 October, the Czech Republic, a Member State of the Joint Institute, celebrates the Independent Czechoslovak State Day.
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- 27.10.2021
JINR joined creation of novel research reactor MBIR
On 27 October, the Leader of the Consortium International Research Centre MBIR JSC and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research signed an agreement on cooperation in the fields of basic scientific and applied research at the multi-purpose research reactor on fast neutrons (MBIR). JINR Vice-Director Latchesar Kostov and Director-General of the Consortium IRC MBIR Konstantin Vergazov signed the document.
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- 27.10.2021
Proceedings of VIII Congress on radiation research
The JINR Publishing Department has published abstracts of reports presented at the VIII Congress on radiation research, which was held in Moscow from 12 to 15 October 2021.
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- 27.10.2021
Video: 8th Collaboration Meeting of MPD Experiment at NICA
The 8th Collaboration Meeting of the MPD Experiment at the NICA Facility was held in the V. I. Veksler and A. M. Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics JINR
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- 27.10.2021
JINR for project “Science. Territory of Heroes”
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research has joined the development of materials for the competition “ Science. Territory of Heroes”. Participants of the second stage of the competition will be able to learn about creation of the NICA collider through a video tour and solve the task, which JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov has proposed.
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- 27.10.2021
Meeting of JINR Science and Technology Council jointly with Directorate
On 28 October (Thursday) 2021, the meeting of the JINR Science and Technology Council will be held jointly with the Directorate of the Institute remotely via Zoom. The beginning of the meeting is set at 4:00 PM.
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- 26.10.2021
Working meeting of JINR and STRABAG
On 25 October, the general contractor of the NICA project STRABAG and leaders of JINR discussed possible increase in the pace of work and improvement of efficiency at a meeting. On the same day, STRABAG representatives visited the construction site of the complex and evaluated the progress in the creation of the NICA collider.
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- 26.10.2021
Video: dedicated to seven theoretical physicists
The Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR held the International Conference “Advances in Quantum Field Theory”.
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- 22.10.2021
New trends in nuclear physics detectors
This will be the topic of the Workshop scheduled for 25 – 27 October 2021 in Warsaw, Poland.The organisers of the Workshop are the Heavy Ion Laboratory, Warsaw University, the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions of the Joint Institute, and Opava University.
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- 21.10.2021
Yuri Oganessian awarded Honoris Causa Doctorate title of Polish university
On 21 October, an awarding ceremony of the Honoris Causa Doctorate title of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University was held in Lublin. The highest academic title of the prestigious university was awarded to Scientific Leader of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions JINR, Academician Yuri Tsolakovich Oganessian.
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- 21.10.2021
At festive awarding ceremony of JINR diplomas on conferring academic degreesv
On 20 October 2021, a festive awarding ceremony of diplomas on conferring academic degrees took place in the big hall of the International Conference Hall. Four applicants received diplomas: Lyubomir Martinovič, Vadim Babkin, Andrey Nechaevsky, and Artem Petrosyan.
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- 21.10.2021
Review journal Particles & Nuclei, #5 (Vol. 52) 2021
Founded in 1970, the review journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, brief name Particles & Nuclei, is published by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna. This is the most influential physical review journal in Russia.
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- 20.10.2021
JINR Directorate deeply regrets to announce
The JINR Directorate deeply regrets to announce that on 19 October a famous theoretical physicist, Head of the Department of High Energy Density Physics at Bogoliubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, a Member of the JINR Scientific Council, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Gennady Zinovjev passed away at the age of 80.
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- 19.10.2021
JINR and ITMO University: development of scientific and educational cooperation
On 19 – 20 October, a delegation of ITMO University headed by Rector Vladimir Vasilyev is having a working visit to JINR. Guests discuss prospects for cooperation both in science and training of the staff at ITMO exclusively for JINR.
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- 19.10.2021
Marathon “JINR visiting Dubna schools”
On 18 October, Dubna Lyceum No.6 hosted a JINR Day as part of the marathon “JINR visiting Dubna schools”.
JINR scientists spent the whole school day talking to Lyceum’s students, performed scientific chemical and physical experiments, spoke about recent achievements in the fields of radiobiology and astrophysics, gave a career guidance talk.
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- 18.10.2021
JINR and Plekhanov University extend cooperation
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