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JINR Seminars / Newspaper "DUBNA" / "JINR News" Bulletin / NOC News / JINR Announcement board
- 21.12.07
New announcements about Ph.D. / D.Sc. Thesis Defense ( Rus )
- 11.12.07
International Conference "Renormalization Group and Related Topics" (D.V. Shirkov Fest) will be held in Dubna, Russia, on September 1 - 5, 2008
- 10.12.07
Topical Plan for JINR Research and International Cooperation in 2008 ( Rus / Eng )
- 30.11.07
Schedule of JINR meetings for 2008 ( Eng / Rus )
- 28.11.07
На сессии Комитета полномочных представителей правительств
государств-членов ОИЯИ 27 ноября 2007 г. с докладом "О ходе работ по созданию особой экономической зоны в г. Дубне Московской области" выступил Заместитель руководителя Федерального агенства по управлению особыми экономическими зонами А.Л.Оверчук.
- 27.11.07
Winter Practice for South African Students
at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research will be held in Dubna, Russia, on December 9 - 19, 2007
- 22.11.07
The VIth Winter School on Theoretical Physics will be held in Dubna, Russia, on January 26 - February 5, 2008
- 19.11.07
The 15th International Conference "Mathematics. Computer. Education" will be held in Dubna, Russia, on January 28 - February 2, 2008
- 13.11.07
Tenth Anniversary of All - Russian Scientific Conference RCDL'2008: "Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections" (Rus / Eng), will be held in Dubna, Russia, on October 12 - 16, 2008
- 12.11.07
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP conference hall on November 21, 2007 at 15:00 ( Eng - PDF format )
- 2.11.07
First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation S. B. Ivanov visited Dubna ( HTML )
- 2.11.07
International Workshop MSSMBS'2008 "Molecular Simulation Studies in Material and Biological Sciences" will be held in JINR, Dubna, Russia, on September 10 -12, 2008
- 17.10.07
The 6th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science (SRMS-6) will be held in BI Convention Center - Campinas, Brazil, on July 20 - 23, 2008
- 16.10.07
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP conference hall on October 24, 2007 at 15:00 ( Eng - PDF format )
- 15.10.07
Resolution of 102nd Session of the JINR Scientific Council ( Eng / Rus ) - PDF format
- 3.10.07
"International seminar dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.I.Veksler and 50 years since the Synchrophasotron starts-up" will be held in Dubna, JINR International Conference Hall on October 10 – 12, 2007 ( HTML, PDF )
- 28.09.07
Conference "Innovation Activity in Special Economic Zones. Public - Private Partnership
Technology" will be held in JINR International Conference Hall, Dubna, Russia, on November 15 - 16, 2007 ( Rus - PDF format )
- 27.09.07
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP conference hall on September 28, 2007 at 16:00 ( Rus - PDF format )
- 25.09.07
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP conference hall on October 3, 2007 at 15:00 ( Rus - PDF format )
- 31.08.07
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP, Blokhintsev hall (4-th floor)
on September 4, 2007 at 15:00 ( Eng - PDF format )
- 29.08.07
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP, Blokhintsev hall (4-th floor)
on September 5, 2007 at 15:00 ( Eng - PDF format )
- 02.08.07
Information about "Dubna" Hotel and Restaurent Complex affiliated with JINR you can find on the new site (Rus)
- 31.07.07
There is Russian Version of the Flerov Laboratory
of Nuclear Reactions (Official site)
- 09.07.07
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP conference hall on July 11, 2007 at 15:00 ( Rus - PDF format )
- 06.07.07
International workshop "Atomic structure: new ideas and perspectives" will be held in Moscow, Institute of Philosophy of RAS, on September 24 - 25, 2007
- 04.07.07
European strategy for astroparticle physics: the Second ASPERA Roadmap Workshop will be held in the Amsterdam on September 20 - 21, 2007
For detail information see www.aspera-eu.org: ASPERA is a network of national government agencies responsible
for coordinating and funding national research efforts in Astroparticle Physics
- 26.06.07
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP conference hall on July 4, 2007 at 15:00 ( Eng - PDF format )
- 26.06.07
Press Release from "Fermilab Today" about Back-to-Back b Baryons ( PDF, HTML )
- 19.06.07
Student Scientific Conference "Physics and Progress"
will be held in the buildings of Physical Faculty of Saint - Petersburg State University (SPSU) on November 14 - 16, 2007
- 14.06.07
Press Release from "Fermilab Today" about discover "triple-scoop" baryon ( PDF, HTML )
- 14.06.07
III International Pontecorvo Neutrino Physics School will be held in Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine on September 16 - 26, 2007
- 14.06.07
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP conference hall on June 27, 2007 at 15:00 ( Eng - PDF format )
- 13.06.07
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP conference hall on June 21, 2007 at 15:00 ( Eng - PDF format )
- 18.05.07
International Symposium
on Heavy Ion Physics dedicated to the
50th Anniversary of the Flerov Laboratory
of Nuclear Reactions will be held in Dubna, Russia, on May 24 and 26, 2007
- 14.05.07
dedicated to V.I. Korogodin and V.A. Shevchenko
will be held in Moscow, Russia, on May 28, 2007
- 11.05.07
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP conference hall on May 16, 2007 at 15:00 ( Rus - PDF format )
- 11.05.07
XI Scientific Summer School for Young Scientists and Specialists will be held in Dubna, Russia, on June 22 - 24, 2007
- 28.04.07
JINR Seminar will be held in International conference hall on May 11, 2007 at 16:00 ( Rus - JPG format )
- 19.04.07
The XXXVII Annual Meeting "European Society for New Methods in Agricultural Research'' (ESNA) will be held in Dubna, Russia, on September 10 - 14, 2007
- 18.04.07
The International Workshop
"Modern spectroscopy methods in studying sctructure and function of biopolymers in biology and medicine''
will be held in Moscow, Dubna, Russia, on May 28 – June 2, 2007
- 13.04.07
Information with presentation talks about JINR Seminar which was held in BLTP conference hall on April 11, 2007
- 4.04.07
The Seventh International Workshop "Very High Multiplicity Physics" organized by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research will be conducted in Dubna, Russia, from 17 to 19 September 2007
- 3.04.07
The 15-th European School of High-Energy Physics will be held from August 19 to September 1, 2007 in Trest, Czech Republic
- 2.04.07
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP conference hall on April 11, 2007 at 15:00 ( Rus - PDF format )
- 22. 03.07
New announcements about Ph.D. / D.Sc. Thesis Defense ( Rus )
- 12.03.07
The next in the series of Prague meetings on Spin Research Programme "Advanced Study Institute -
Symmetries and Spin" (SPIN-Praha-2007)
will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, on July 8 - 14, 2007
- 2.03.07
The XXI International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC'2007) will be held in Varna, Bulgaria, on September 10 - 17, 2007
- 1.03.07
The 4th International Workshop "Quantum Physics and Communication'' (QPC 2007) will be held in Dubna, Russia on 15 - 19 October, 2007
- 22.02.07
Topical Plan for JINR Research and International Cooperation in 2007 - 2009 ( Rus )
- 13.02.07
Conference "Scientific Service at INTERNET" will be held in Novorossisk on September 24 - 29, 2007
- 8. 02.07
VII International scientific workshop to the memory of Prof. V.P. Sarantsev "Problems of Charged Particle Accelerators: Electron-positron Colliders" will be held in Alushta, Ukraina on September 2 - 8, 2007
- 7. 02.07
New announcement about Ph.D. / D.Sc. Thesis Defense ( Rus )
- 5.02.07
Meeting Manager Tool AGENDA for science coordination activity at JINR
- 2.02.07
a) Topical Plan for JINR Research and International Cooperation in 2007 ( Eng / Rus )
b) Information about 101st session of the JINR Scientific Council which was held in Dubna on January 18 - 19, 2007 ( Eng / Rus )
- 1.02.07
Resolution of 101st Session of the JINR Scientific Council ( Eng / Rus ) - PDF format
- 30.01.07
JINR Prizes for 2006 ( Eng / Rus ) - PDF format
- 23. 01.07
New announcements about Ph.D. / D.Sc. Thesis Defense ( Rus )
- 18.01.07
2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference will be held in Honolulu, Hawaii on October 28 - November 3, 2007
- 17.01.07
Topical Plan for JINR Research and International Cooperation in 2007 ( Rus )
- 16.01.07
Ninth Scientific Conference RCDL'2007 "Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods And Technologies, Digital Collections" will be held in Pereslavl (Russia), on October 15 - 18, 2007
- 12.01.07
XI Conference for Young Scientists and Specialists will be held in Dubna (Russia), on February 5 - 9, 2007
- 11.01.07
JINR Seminar will be held in International Conference Hall on January 24, 2007 at 15:00 ( Eng. - PDF format )
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