W H A T's N E W ?
JINR Seminars / Newspaper "DUBNA" / "JINR News" Bulletin / NOC News / JINR Announcement board
- 15.12.05
"JINR Director-Designate Alexei Sissakian Expresses Interest in ILC Collaboration" - information from ILC NewsLine
- 9.12.05
Schedule of JINR meetings for 2006 ( Eng / Rus )
- 11.11.05
International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei “EXON - 2006” will be held in Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia, on July 17 - 24, 2006
- 10.11.05
VII International Workshop on Application of Lasers in Atomic Nuclei Research "Nuclear Ground and Isomeric State Properties" will be held in Poznan, Poland, on May 29 - June 01, 2006
- 8.11.05
XIII International Conference "Mathematics. Computer. Education" will be held in Dubna, Russia, on January 23 - 28, 2006
- 7.11.05
XVIII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems "Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics" will be held in Dubna, Russia, on September 25 - 30, 2006
- 27.10.05
Press-release about 50th anniversary of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in 2006 ( Eng / Rus )
- 28.09.05
Workshop on the ATLAS Physics programme at JINR will be held in Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, Dubna, Russia, on November 25, 2005
- 13.07.05
Round Table Discussion "Searching for the mixed phase of strongly interacting matter at the JINR
Nuclotron" JINR, Dubna, July 7 - 9, 2005
- 22.06.05
According to the JINR order ¹403 from 20.06.2005 Division of Radiation and Radiobiological Research (DRRR) is transformed to Laboratory of Radiation Biology (LRB).
- 16.06.05
Resolution of 98th Session of the JINR Scientific Council ( Rus ) - PDF format
- 15.06.05
Information about 98th session of the JINR Scientific Council which was held in Dubna on 2-3 June, 2005 ( Eng / Win )
- 10.06.05
Resolution of 98th Session of the JINR Scientific Council ( Eng ) - PDF format
- 29.04.05
The Seventh AFOSR Workshop on Isomers and Quantum Nucleonics will be held in Dubna, Russia, on June 26 - July 1, 2005
- 12.04.05
Workshop on the ATLAS Physics programme at JINR will be held in Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, Dubna, on April 28, 2005
- 9.04.05
Information from JINR Directorate about fire at DLNP on 9 April 2005 (PDF - Rus)
- 8.04.05
The International Seminar on the problems of particle beam physics and accelerator
engineering dedicated to the Memory of Professor Vladislav P. Sarantsev will be held in Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine from 8 to 11 September, 2005
- 4.04.05
10th Annual RDMS CMS Collaboration Conference will be held in Gatchina, St. Petersburg, Russia from 10 to 17 September, 2005
- 25.03.05
14th IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference 2005 will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, from 4 to 10 June, 2005
- 21.03.05
2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2005 NSS/MIC) will be held in Wyndham El Conquistador Resort, Puerto Rico, from 23 to 29 October 2005
- 17.03.05
Press-release about Elections of the Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research ( Eng / Rus )
- 22.02.05
Topical Plan for JINR Research and International Cooperation in 2005 ( Eng )
- 17.02.05
The Sixth International Workshop "Very High Multiplicity Physics" organized by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research will be conducted in Dubna, Russia, from 16 to 17 April 2005
- 8.02.05
The XX-th Anniversary International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC'2005) will be held in Varna, Bulgaria, on September 12-18, 2005
- 4.02.05
National Conference in Physics, dedicated to the International Year of Physics (CNF 2005 - information is in Romanian) will be held in Bucharest (Romania) on September 13-16, 2005
- 3.02.05
Schedule of JINR meetings for 2005 ( Eng / Rus ) - new version
- 2.02.05
Resolution of 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council ( Rus ) - PDF format
- 1.02.04
Topical Plan for JINR Research and International Cooperation in 2005 ( Rus )
- 31.01.05
Information about 97th session of the JINR Scientific Council which was held in Dubna on 20-21 January , 2005 ( Eng / Rus )
- 26.01.05
V Workshop "Scientific Cooperation between German Research Centers and JINR" took place in Dubna (Russia) on January 17 - 19, 2005
- 25.01.05
Resolution of 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council ( Eng ) - PDF format
- 12.01.05
IX Conference for Young Scientists and Specialists will be held in Dubna (Russia) on 31 January - 6 February, 2005
- 9.12.04
XXXIII International Conference on High Energy Physics,
ICHEP’06, (Rochester Conference)
will be held from 26 July to 2 August, 2006 in Moscow at the Russian Academy of Sciences.
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