Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 31-32 (4628-4629)
dated August 25, 2022:

At the turn of the seven-year plans

Physics Workshop "Element 105"

In July, the JINR Recreation Centre "Volga" hosted the traditional "Summer School", an interdisciplinary event that has been held since 2004 in the format of a field camp. This year, the Physics Workshop "Element 105" worked on it.

It was attended by 20 students from National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, YarSU named after P.G.Demidov, KFU, MIREA, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Tver State University, Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology and UrFU. For ten days, the participants listened to lectures on the main projects and research of the Institute and visited the JINR Laboratories with excursions.

Participants of the Workshop prepared presentations based on scientific articles on various topics. The staff of the Institute, after having listened to the speeches of students, selected the five best authors who were invited to participate in the XXVI International Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists.

"The Workshop has become an intellectual vacation for me. After participating, I gained more energy and enthusiasm to do science further than," Mikhail Platonov, a student at MIREA, shared his impressions.

"The most memorable for me were the excursions to the Laboratories, during which we were told about the operation of the basic facilities of the Institute. The workshop has become an interesting experience for me, here one can make new acquaintances and gain useful knowledge," the NRNU MEPhI student Maksim Kuznetsov said.

"I liked the participants of the workshop: interesting, sociable, all-round, inspired by what they do and ready to share their experience," the MSU student Polina Kasyanova said.

According to uc.jinr.ru

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