Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 33 (4630)
dated September 1, 2022:


Vietnamese students and pupils get to know JINR

Together with JINR, representatives of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam and the Embassy of Vietnam in Russia organised a tour to JINR for Vietnamese pupils and students studying at educational institutions of Moscow, who came to JINR on 22 August with a visit.

The guests could get acquainted with JINR, plunge into the history of its creation, hear about the founding fathers and the tasks solved at the Institute, in the JINR Museum of Science and Technology. The group visited the JINR Basic Facilities interactive exhibition to learn about the laboratories and flagship projects.

As part of the communication with the Vietnamese staff of JINR, the students were able to hear directly from their compatriots about the Institute, the scientific activities they carry out, and the projects they are involved in.

In the afternoon the guests visited the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions. The excursion began with an introductory lecture, which introduced the history of discovery of naturally occurring and artificially synthesised chemical elements, the search for stability island of elements, and the plans of JINR scientists to prepare experiments on synthesising 119 and 120 elements at the DC-280 accelerator. The visit continued in the cyclotron hall, where pupils and students were told how the facility works.

The guests then visited FLNP Centre of Applied Physics, where the Deputy Head of the Centre, Alexander Nechaev, explained the history of the origin of this laboratory department, the fields of application of track membranes, and showed the production and analytical equipment.

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam has been JINR Member State since September 1956. Vietnamese experts participate in JINR projects on topics related to computing, condensed matter physics, synthesis and study of nuclei properties at the borders of stability.


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