Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 11 (4659)
dated March 23, 2023:

When the issue was being made up

Another isotope of darmstadtium has been discovered!

On 27 February, the hitherto unknown darmstadtium-275 isotope was observed for the first time at the Superheavy Element Factory of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions of JINR.

As FLNR Scientific Secretary Alexander Karpov has explained, the 275Ds nucleus has been obtained in the interaction of the calcium-48 beam with the thorium-232 target material at the DGFRS-II separator of the Superheavy Element Factory (SHE). The main goal of the experiment was to prepare the chemical element 120 for the future synthesis.

The first successful synthesis of darmstadtium isotopes in the 48Ca - 232Th reaction was carried out at the SHE Factory of FLNR in 2022. As a result, three previously unknown isotopes were discovered at once: darmstadtium-276, hassium-272 and seaborgium-268. In 2023, the experiment was carried out at a higher beam energy. One event of darmstadtium-276 and one of darmstadtium-275 were obtained.

The new darmstadtium-275 isotope experienced alpha decay to produce hassium-271. The half-life of 275Ds was 62 microseconds. Further investigation of this reaction will be carried out.

See "Experiments at the SHE Factory" for details.


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