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Events New appointmentAt the 134th session of the JINR Scientific Council, elections of a new Director of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems were held. Head of the Department of Nuclear Spectroscopy and Radiochemistry, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Evgeny Aleksandrovich YAKUSHEV became Director of the Laboratory.
The defense of his candidate's thesis "Search for heavy neutrino impurities in the beta decay of 241Pu" was held at JINR in 2001 and the defense of his doctoral thesis "Application of spectrometric techniques and low-temperature germanium detectors-bolometers for the direct search for dark matter particles and other rare processes" - in 2023. Since 2005 - Head of the EDELWEISS project at JINR, Member of the EDELWEISS Collaboration Council, since 2022 - Head of the joint project RICOCHET-EDELWEISS at JINR, Member of the Collaboration Council, since 2015 - Co-director of the research topic "Non-accelerator neutrino physics and astrophysics", since 2014 - Member of STC of DLNP, since 2023 - Member of STC of JINR, since 2022 - Member of the Central Procurement Commission of JINR, since 2021 - Leader of DLNP seminars on nuclear spectroscopy and radiochemistry, nuclear structure, non-accelerator neutrino physics and astrophysics. Participant of the projects KamLAND, EDELWEISS, Majorana, Legend, Cupid-Mo, TGV-2, RICOCHET. Since 2005 - permanent supervisor of diploma and master's theses. Supervisor of two candidate dissertations. Scientific interests: neutrino physics, dark matter, nuclear spectroscopy. Co-author of more than 150 scientific papers. h-index is 41 (Google Scholar). Awards: first JINR prize 2022 (within the framework of the nGeN collaboration), victory in the category "Methodological and applied research", together with D.V.Ponomarev, S.V.Rozov, V.V.Timkin and D.V.Filosofov, at the competition of DLNP scientific papers in 2019-2020; winner of the 2016 Breakthrough prize in the field of fundamental physics (as part of the KamLAND collaboration). We wish Evgeny Aleksandrovich even more merit and achievements in this position! Let the new position bring not only joy and pride for our laboratory, but also inspiration for meeting interesting scientific tasks! According to dlnp.jinr.ru