Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 36 (4734)
dated September 19, 2024:

New opportunities for JINR employees

Voluntary health insurance (VHI) is the receipt of additional medical services by employees beyond those established by the compulsory health insurance programme. Traditionally, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research provides employees with this opportunity.

Until recently, the Institute's employees have been issued a so-called "white policy", today, it is invalid. Since 1 June, 2023, a new agreement concluded between JINR and the Insurance Company Rosgosstrakh has been in effect. According to this agreement, the Insurance Company undertakes to organize the provision of medical services to insured persons in accordance with the VHI programme in case of an insured event.

An insured event under VHI is a documented appeal by the insured person to a medical institution to organize and provide him with medical services for a health disorder or deterioration in health as a result of an acute illness, exacerbation of a chronic disease, injury, poisoning and other conditions requiring medical care, dispensary observation, as well as preventive measures.

The VHI programme provides a wide range of medical services for major diseases. Since 1 June, 2024, it has included the following additional areas:

  1. Outpatient observation is a periodic examination of patients with chronic diseases outside of periods of exacerbation.
  2. Medical services in: audiology; andrology; diabetology (examination and treatment of complications of diabetes); oncology (except for drug and radiation therapy); rheumatology; dermatovenereology (infections transmitted mainly sexually, neurodermatitis, scabies, pediculosis, removal of condylomas, warts, papillomas, calluses); obstetrics and gynecology (infertility and other reproductive disorders); hepatology (acute viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis).
  3. Laboratory and instrumental methods of research: immunohistochemical investigations of tissues in case of suspected oncological diseases; determination of antibodies to antigens of plant, animal, chemical, medicinal origin; video capsule endoscopy; endoscopic investigations with anesthesia.
  4. Physiotherapeutic and hardware treatment methods, hydrotherapy, lymphatic drainage massage, underwater spinal traction.
  5. Pre-hospital preparation and subsequent observation regarding diseases of organs and tissues requiring their transplantation, autotransplantation, prosthetics.

The procedure for seeking medical care is regulated by the approved Regulation on VHI, posted on the official website of the Institute in the section "Employees".

To receive primary and primary specialized medical and sanitary care in medical organizations of the city of Dubna (such care is provided by general practitioners, primary care physicians and specialist doctors in outpatient settings), one should contact the responsible person of the Human Resources and Records Management Department (HRRMD) of the Institute with his or her ID card to fill out an application.

To undergo clinical, laboratory and instrumental examination, physiotherapy and other types of treatment, scheduled inpatient treatment, one has to present a referral from his or her attending physician to the responsible person of HRRMD of the Institute.

To receive medical services provided in Medical Unit No.9, it is enough to apply to the office of paid services (office No.102 in the outpatient clinic of the Medical Unit). In this case, approval and execution of letters of guarantee for the Institute employees assigned to Medical Unit No.9 is not required.

To receive medical services in other medical institutions, approval from JINR and execution of letters of guarantee from the Insurance Company are required.

The Insurance Company has the right to determine the medical organization for the provision of medical care, as well as the indications for implementing a particular examination and treatment in accordance with the clinical recommendations approved by the orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

In case of violation of the established procedure for applying to a medical organization, the Insurance Company has the right to refuse to pay for medical care to the insured.

Based on the information provided by the JINR Personnel Department

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