Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 40 (4637)
dated October 20, 2022:

JINR scientists at festival NAUKA 0+

On 7-9 October 2022, the All-Russian Science Festival Nauka 0+". Staff members of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research participated in this great event for the seventh time. A team of 30 young scientists, specialists, and engineers of the Institute presented a wide programme targeted at a wide audience of all ages.

The programme included:

- workshops and the demonstration of exciting experiments at the Expocentre;

- models of the JINR basic facilities exhibited in the Shuvalov building of Moscow State University;

- stands with the research projects at the topical scientific exposition Planet of the Future;

- a series of lectures on the topical issues of humankind delivered in the Fundamental Library of MSU;

- presentations by researchers as part of the "Scientists (come) to Schools" campaign at the educational institutions in Moscow.

"Science has always been the thing that brings us together and leads us to a bright future!" - the Festival echoed the slogan of JINR. We believe that guests could learn more about the modern areas of research that determine the development trajectory of the country and the world as a whole at the science festival held last weekend. In addition, the event has reminded one more time that science is available to everyone regardless of age.

As estimated by the organizers, 16 million people took part in the events of the Festival in Moscow both online and offline.


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