Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 40 (4637)
dated October 20, 2022:

Science and Technology Popularization Project

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation has initiated the development of a new Federal Project "Popularization of Science and Technology", aimed at developing scientific and educational activities. The Project will be overseen by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko.

The work of the Public Expert Council on the Federal Project "Popularization of Science and Technology" was completed. Council members supported the Ministry's initiative and noted its importance and significance. The Expert Council consisted of 26 members, including representatives of the Russian Historical Society, the Russian Academy of Education, the State Duma, the Russian Academy of Sciences, universities, research institutes, TV and radio companies, news agencies.

Earlier, the President of Russia instructed to develop measures of state support for the popularization of national science. As one such measure, the year 2021 was declared by the Head of State to be the Year of Science and Technology, with over 11 million Russians nationwide participating in events and over 270 million taking part online. This was followed by the Decade of Science and Technology that runs from 2022 to 2031.

The Federal Project "Popularization of Science and Technology" was also developed based on the instruction of President. It will be implemented from 2023 to 2025 as an independent project that is not part of Russia's national projects.

"Today, when the achievement of technological sovereignty has become one of the key areas of the country's development, such a federal project on popularization of science will draw even more attention to it. The concentration of resources will allow to support media projects whose authors talk about progressive research and achievements of Russian scientists in an accessible language. We have much to be proud of. And these are first and foremost people - creators who make victories in science at any, even the most difficult times," Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Elena Druzhinina said.

The main objectives of the Project are the openness of science to society, increasing the scientific literacy of the population, the development of a clear idea among Russians of what initiatives the state and business carry out today in science and technology, as well as attracting talented youth to the research field and encouraging their interest in fundamental and applied research.

As a result of the implementation of the Project, hundreds of events aimed at popularizing science and technology will be held throughout the country. These events include, for example, a grant competition for science popularizers, in which journalists, bloggers, authors of photo and video content can take part, All-Russian Science Festival NAUKA 0+", All-Russian Award "For Loyalty to Science" and many others. In addition, there will be exhibitions of achievements of national science and technology, popular science competitions and conferences. Within the framework of the Federal Project, there will be more than three thousand articles, reports, videos annually, from which millions of citizens of our country will be able to learn about contemporary Russian scientists, as well as their achievements and discoveries. It is expected that only in 2023, about 50 million Russians of all ages and professions will take part in events.


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