Number 33 (4731) dated August 29, 2024:
At the intersection of sciences
Baksan Observatory is not only for physicists
Employees of the Molecular Genetics Sector of the DLNP Cell currently carry out the next stage of research at the Baksan Neutrino Observatory of the INR RAS (BNO INR RAS) in the village of Neutrino in the Caucasus.
Photo: A.Veresnikova (from the INR RAS VK group) |
Biological experiments in the deep underground low-background laboratory DULB-4900 and in the distant parts of the tunnels of the BNO INR RAS were carried out in 2019. Due to the unique location of the tunnels at a depth of more than two kilometers and near the peripheral small chamber of the Elbrus volcanic centre, a unique ecosystem developed by many thermal and mineral springs is formed in the distant parts of these tunnels (more than 4 km from the entrance).
During the expedition at the end of July this year, Mikhail Zarubin and Kirill Tarasov (in photo) collected samples and specimens along about five kilometers of tunnels to establish patterns of deep distribution of ecological niches and living organisms in Mount Andyrchi. In the future, the use of advanced genetic techniques will allow one of the deepest communities of microorganisms in Russia and the North Caucasus to be described. Such investigations confirm the uniqueness of the INR RAS BNO for interdisciplinary research.
With reporting by the DLNP Scientific Communications Group, photo by Mikhail ZARUBIN