Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 38 (4635)
dated October 6, 2022:

JINR-China: cooperation in superheavy element synthesis

On 15 September, a videoconference was held between the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions JINR and the Institute of Modern Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences (Lanzhou). The meeting was dedicated to expanding cooperation between the two organizations in the field of synthesis and research on the properties of superheavy elements. JINR Vice-Director Sergey Dmitriev moderated the meeting.

Scientific Leader of FLNR, RAS Academician Yuri Oganessian gave a presentation on the SHE research programme in Dubna. Head of FLNR Accelerator Department Vasily Semin spoke about the FLNR accelerator complex. The report by Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Head of the FLNR Sector of Synthesis and Properties of Superheavy Nuclei Vladimir Utyenkov was devoted to the results and prospects of experiments on the synthesis and study of superheavy nuclei at the SHE Factory. Head of the Chemistry of Transactinides Sector at FLNR, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Nikolay Aksenov presented preparations for and research programme on the chemical properties of SHE to the meeting participants.

Director of the Institute of Modern Physics, Professor Hushan Xu gave an overview of recent research carried out at the Institute and spoke about the development of the research infrastructure.

Presentations on the development of the accelerator complex for SHE synthesis, the creation of high-intensity ECR ion sources, the status of synthesis research, and the status of the study of chemical properties of SHE were made by the heads of the relevant departments of the Institute of Modern Physics Yuan He, Liangting Sun, Zhiyuan Zhang, and Zhi Qin.

There then was a discussion the participants of which were Director of FLNR JINR Sergey Sidorchuk, Deputy Scientific Leader of the Laboratory Mikhail Itkis, Deputy Director of the Laboratory on Science Alexander Yeremin, Scientific Secretary of FLNR Alexander Karpov, and heads of departments of the Institute of Modern Physics, including Deputy Director of the Institute Professor Hongwei Zhao (member of the JINR Scientific Council). The parties agreed on the necessity to expand cooperation in the fields of accelerator technologies, physics and chemistry of SHE.

It was proposed to appoint Alexander Karpov on behalf of FLNR JINR and Deputy Director of the Institute of Modern Physics Zhiyu Sun as coordinators of the preparation of the cooperation programme.

Status and priority directions of JINR cooperation with Chinese institutes will be discussed at the JINR Directorate at the end of October. This discussion will lead to a common programme of joint research and development.

Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, photo from IMP CAS


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