Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 38 (4635)
dated October 6, 2022:

AYSS Seminar

On 6 October, at 4:00 PM, a seminar by Inga Zinkovskaya (FLNP) "Neutrons in Ecology" will be held in JINR Scientists' Club.

Due to its high accuracy, non-destructive nature and the ability of determining more than 50 elements, Neutron activation analysis (NAA) is widely used in environmental research, archeology, geology and medicine. The operation concept of the method will be introduced, its advantages will be considered and typical applications of NAA at the REGATA facility of the IBR-2 reactor (estimation of atmospheric precipitation of heavy metals based on the analysis of biomonitor mosses, biomonitoring of water bodies, wastewater treatment and nanotoxicology) will be presented in the report.



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