Volume 53 (year 2022), parts: 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6
Part 1 |
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Korobov V. I.
Variational Methods in the Quantum Three-Body Problem with Coulomb Interaction (532.564 Kb)
Budagov Ju. A., Trubnikov G. V., Shirkov G. D., Batouritski M. A., Bogdanovich M. V., Kurochkin Yu. A., Zalesski V. G., Kilin S. Ya., Azaryan N. S.
The Cooperation of JINR with the Scientific Organizations of the Republic of Belarus in the Area of the Superconducting Accelerator Resonators (1.608.946 Kb)
Frank A. I., Kulin G. V., Rebrova N. V., Zakharov M. A.
On the Possibility of Creating a UCN Source on a Periodic Pulsed Reactor (448.368 Kb)
Penionzhkevich Yu. E.
Characteristics of Nucleus-Nuclear Reactions with the Emission of Fast Charged Particles. A New Approach to Reactions of Fusion of Cold Nuclei (831.780 Kb)
Timashev S. F., Savvatimova I. B., Poteshin S. S., Kargin N. I., Sysoev A. A., Ryndya S. M.
The Phenomenon of Artificial Radioactivity in Metal Cathodes under Discharge Conditions (1.034.604 Kb)
Part 2 |
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«NUCLEUS-2020. Nuclear Physics and Elementary Particle Physics. Nuclear Physics Technologies» (Saint Petersburg, May 26–30, 2020)
Arslanaliev A. M., Shebeko A. V.
The Gauge-Independent Treatment of the Alpha-Alpha Bremsstrahlung
Abstracts (eng, 29 Kb) |
Arslanaliev A., Golak J., Kamada H., Shebeko A. V., Skibinski R., Stepanova M. M., Witala H.
The Kharkov Potential in the Theory of 2N and 3N Systems with Solving the Relativistic Faddeev Equations
Abstracts (eng, 31 Kb) |
Afonin S. S.
Bottom-up Holographic Approach to Meson Spectroscopy
Abstracts (eng, 27 Kb) |
Amer A. H.
Study of Different Interaction Models of Double Folding Potential for 6He + 12C Elastic Scattering up to 500 MeV
Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb) |
Andrianov V. A., Andrianov A. A., Espriu D.
Chiral Medium in Generalized Σ- Model and the Chiral Perturbation Theory (142 Kb)
Zvyagina A., Andronov E.
Transverse Momentum and Multiplicity Correlations in NICA and SPS Energy Range
Abstracts (eng, 45 Kb) |
Andronov E., Altsybeev I., Prokhorova D.
Performance of the MPD Detector for the Study of Strongly Intensive Multiplicity and Transverse Momentum Fluctuations in Heavy Ion Collisions
Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb) |
Aparin A. A. for the STAR Collaboration
STAR Recent Results on Heavy Ion Collisions
Abstracts (eng, 46 Kb) |
Banerjee T., Kozulin E. M., Gikal K. B., Itkis I. M.,
Knyazheva G. N., Kozulina N. I., Novikov K. V., Diatlov I. N., Pchelintsev I. V., Pan A. N., Vorobiev I. V.
Super-Asymmetric Fission Mode in 254Fm Nucleus Populated by 16O + 238U Reaction
Abstracts (eng, 45 Kb) |
Batyuk P., Gabdrakhmanov I., Merts S.
Embedding Procedure as an Instrument Used for Optimal Reconstruction of Particle Trajectories Produced by the Λ0 Decay Products
Abstracts (eng, 39 Kb) |
Belokurova S.
Study of Strongly Intensive Quantities and Robust Variances in Multiparticle Production at LHC Energies
Abstracts (eng, 42 Kb) |
Sinha B.
The Hawking Radiation from Relics of the QCD Phase Transition — Strange Quark Nuggets, Primordial Black Holes and White Holes
Abstracts (eng, 40 Kb) |
Bobyk A., Kamiński W. A.
Deep Neural Networks and the Phenomenology of Super-Heavy Nuclei
Abstracts (eng, 48 Kb) |
Borissov A. for the ALICE Collaboration
Latest Results on (Anti-)Hypernuclei Production at the LHC with ALICE
Abstracts (eng, 44 Kb) |
Chesnokov V. V., Golubenko A. A., Ishkhanov B. S., Mokeev V. I.
CLAS Physics Database to Study the Hadron Structure in Electromagnetic Processes (452 Kb)
Popov Yu. V., Volobuev I. P., Chuluunbaatar O., Houamer S.
Compton Ionization of Atoms as a New Method of Spectroscopy of Outer Shells
Abstracts (eng, 227 Kb) |
Dementev D. V., Baranov A. V., Elsha V. V., Kharlamov P. I., Lavrik E., Merkin M. M., Murin Yu. A., Senger A., Senger P.,
Sheremetev A. D., Shitenkow M. O., Sukhov N. V.
The Silicon Tracking System as a Part of Hybrid Tracker of BM@N Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 42 Kb) |
Drnoyan J., Kolesnikov V., Mudrokh A., Vasendina V., Zinchenko A.
Perspectives of Strangeness Study at NICA/MPD from Realistic Monte Carlo Simulation
Abstracts (eng, 40 Kb) |
Golosov O., Klochkov V., Kashirin E., Selyuzhenkov I., Blau D. for the CBM Collaboration
CBM Performance for Multidifferential Measurements of Proton and Charged Kaon Directed Flow
Abstracts (eng, 41 Kb) |
Ilieva S. for the NA61/SHINE Collaboration
Hadron Production Measurements at NA61/SHINE for Precise Determination of Accelerator Neutrino Fluxes
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Ivanishchev D. A., Kotov D. O., Kryshen E. L., Malaev M. V., Ryabov V. G., Ryabov Yu. G.
Possibility to Study the Properties of Thermal Photons in Heavy-Ion Collisions at the NICA Complex (663 Kb)
de Mello Neto J. R. T. for the Pierre Auger Collaboration
Physics and Astrophysics of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays: Recent Results from the Pierre Auger Observatory
Abstracts (eng, 43 Kb) |
Koshelkin A. V.
Hadron Production in High-Energy Particle Collisions
Abstracts (eng, 43 Kb) |
Kostenko B. F.
Possibility of Existence of New Dibaryons below Pion Production Threshold
Abstracts (eng, 31 Kb) |
Krassovitskiy P. М., Pen'kov F. M.
Scattering Features on Non-Spherical Potential (167 Kb)
Ladygin V. P., Averyanov A. V., Chernykh E. V., Enache D., Gurchin Yu. V., Isupov A. Yu., Janek M., Karachuk J.-T.,
Khrenov A. N., Krivenkov D. O., Kurilkin P. K., Ladygina N. B., Livanov A. N., Piyadin S. M., Reznikov S. G., Terekhin A. A., Tishevsky A. V., Uesaka T., Volkov I. S.
Angular Dependencies of the Deuteron Analyzing Powers in dp-Elastic Scattering at Large Transverse Momenta (232 Kb)
Mitrankova M. M., Mitrankov Iu. M., Kotov D. O., Berdnikov Ya. A., Berdnikov A. Ya.
ϕ-Meson Production in Small Collision Systems (262 Kb)
Larionova D. M., Berdnikov Ya. A., Berdnikov A. Ya., Kotov D. O., Mitrankov Iu. M.
Charged Hadron Production in Cu + Au Collisions at 200 GeV at PHENIX (264 Kb)
Liu D. for the BESIII Collaboration
QCD Studies at BESIII
Abstracts (eng, 30 Kb) |
Lomskaya I. for the Borexino Collaboration
Search for Low-Energy Borexino’s Signals Correlated with Gamma-Ray Bursts, Solar Flares and Gravitational Wave Events (410 Kb)
Mamaev M., Golosov O., Selyuzhenkov I. for the HADES Collaboration
Estimating Nonflow Effects in Measurements of Anisotropic Flow of Protons with the HADES Experiment at GSI
Abstracts (eng, 33 Kb) |
Mitrankov Iu. M., Kotov D. O., Berdnikov Ya. A., Berdnikov A.Ya.
Review of the Recent Results of the Heavy Ion Collisions Study in the PHENIX Experiment (308 Kb)
Albeverio S., Motovilov A. K.
Quantum Speed Limits for Time Evolution of a System Subspace
Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb) |
Mudrokh A., Kolesnikov V.
Performance of the MPD Detector in the Study of Strangeness Production and Event-By-Event Fluctuations in Au + Au Collisions at NICA
Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb) |
Burmasov N. for the ALICE Collaboration
Central Diffraction and Ultra-Peripheral Collisions in ALICE in Run 3 an 4 (444 Kb)
Hasan M. Z., Kholil S. B., Sarker D. R., Abdullah M. N. A.
Potential Description of α + 208Pb Elastic Scattering
Abstracts (eng, 41 Kb) |
Nauruzbayev D. K., Nurmukhanbetova A. K., Goldberg V. Z.
Low Energy Resonances in 22Ne (α,α) Elastic Scattering
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Peresunko D. for the ALICE Collaboration
Overview of Hadron and Jet Production Results from ALICE
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Pismak Yu. M., Shakhova O. Yu.
Singular Background in a Model of Material Plane Interacting with Dirac Particles
Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb) |
Pshenichnov I. A., Kozyrev N. A., Svetlichnyi A. O., Dmitrieva U. A.
What Can We Learn by Studying the Rest of Spectator Matter in Central Nucleus—Nucleus Collisions? (390 Kb)
Rakhmatullina A., Zherebchevsky V., Maltsev N., Nesterov D., Pichugina D., Prokofiev N.
New Calorimetry Based on Silicon Pixel Detectors (233 Kb)
Ivanishchev D. A., Kotov D. O., Malaev M. V., Ryabov V. G., Ryabov Yu. G.
Short-Lived Resonances in the Physical Program of the MPD Experiment at NICA (233 Kb)
Dahiya A., Gupta K. K., Singh S. S.
Equation of State of Magnetized PNJL Model in Finite Chemical Potential
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
Segal I., Selyuzhenkov I., Kashirin E., Lavrik E. for the CBM Collaboration
Using Projectile Spectators for Centrality Determination in Heavy-Ion Collisions with the CBM Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb) |
Antonov N. N., Gapienko V. A., Gapienko G. S., Gres' V. N., Ilushin M. A., Prudkoglyad A. F.,
Romanovskiy V. A., Semak A. A., Solodovnikov I. P., Terekhov V. I., Ukhanov M. N., Viktorov V. A.
High pt Anti-Proton and Meson Production in Cumulative pA Reaction at 50 GeV/c (308 Kb)
Dar Sh., Bhattacharya Soumik, Bhattacharyya S., Banik R., Nandi S.,
Mukherjee G., Das Gupta S., Ali S., Dhal A., Goswami A., Mondal D., Mukhopadhyay S., Pal S., Pandit D., Ray P.
Collective Structures in 116Sb
Abstracts (eng, 43 Kb) |
Sheremetiev A., Dementev D., Elsha V., Kolozhvari A., Murin Yu., Shitenkov M., Sukhov N.
Status of the BM@N STS Module Assembly
Abstracts (eng, 33 Kb) |
Skobelev N. K., Penionzhkevich Yu. E., Siváček I., Issatayev T., D'Agata G.,
Burjan V., Kilic A. I., Mrázek J., Glagolev V.
Population of Excited States in 45Ti Nuclei in Charge-Exchange Reactions on 29 MeV 3He Beam (209 Kb)
Afonin S. S., Solomko T. D.
Low- and High-Energy Constraints in AdS/QCD Models
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
Sosnov D. for the CMS Collaboration
First Observation of Diffractive Processes in Proton-Lead Collisions at the LHC with the CMS Detector
Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb) |
Topko Yu., Khabarov S., Zamyatin N., Topko B., Tarasov O., Zubarev E., Kopylov Yu., Streletskaya E.
The Development of Silicon Beam Tracker and Beam Profilometer at the BM@N Experiment (287 Kb)
Torilov S. Yu., Maltsev N. A., Zherebchevsky V. I., Lazareva T. V., Nauruzbaev D. K., Nesterov D. G., Prokofiev N. A.,
Rakhmatullina A. R.
Study of Resonance States in Nuclear Systems Formed in Reactions with Heavy Ions (292 Kb)
Mikheev S. A., Lanskoy D. E., Tretyakova T. Yu.
Correlations between Properties of Nuclear Matter and Characteristics of Neutron Stars (235 Kb)
Sidorov S. V., Lanskoy D. E., Tretyakova T. Yu.
Light Λ-Hypernuclei Structure near Nucleon Stability Lines and Baryon Interactions (199 Kb)
Uzikov Yu., Bazarova A., Temerbayev A.
Spin Observables of Proton-Deuteron Elastic Scattering at SPD NICA Energies within the Glauber Model and pN Amplitudes
Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb) |
Uzikov Yu., Uvarov A.
Ratio pp/pn in the Reaction 12C(p,ppN)10 A of Quasi-Elastic Knock-Out of Nucleon from Short-Range Correlated NN Pair (199 Kb)
Vechernin V. V.
Yield of Particles in the Cumulative Region at Central Rapidities and Large Transverse Momenta at the NICA Collider
Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb) |
Niyti, Deep A., Kharab R., Singh R., Chopra S.
Study of Decay Properties of 260Sg* Nucleus Formed in 52Cr + 208Pb Reaction by Using GSkI Skyrme Force
Abstracts (eng, 42 Kb) |
Yushkov A V., Itkis M. G., Dyachkov V. V., Zaripova Y. A.
New Nuclear Physical Phenomenon — Spontaneous Nuclear Synthesis (483 Kb)
Mitsova E., Zaitsev A. A., Artemenkov D. A., Kornegrutsa N. K., Rusakova V. V.,
Stanoeva R., Zarubin P. I., Zarubina I. G.
Search for Decays of the 9B Nucleus and Hoyle State in 14N Nucleus Dissociation (255 Kb)
Khunjua T. G., Klimenko K. G., Zhokhov R. N.
The Phase Structure of Two-Color QCD and Charged Pion Condensation Phenomenon
Abstracts (eng, 39 Kb) |
Alishina K., Plotnikov V., Kovachev L., Petukhov Yu., Rumyantsev M.
Charged Particle Identification by the Time-of-Flight Method in the BM@N Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb) |
Bespalova O. V., Klimochkina A. A.
About the Dependence of Nuclear Surface Diffuseness on Neutron-Proton Asymmetry and Its Influence on the Evolution of Single-Particle Spectra (270 Kb)
Blokhintsev L. D.
Spectroscopic Factors: Observability and Measurability
Abstracts (eng, 31 Kb) |
Berdnikov A. Ya., Berdnikov Ya. A., Kotov D. O., Mitrankov Iu. M., Borisov V. S.
Production of K(892)*0 Mesons in Cu + Au Collisions at 200 GeV and U + U Collisions at 192 GeV (351 Kb)
Dolganov G. D. for the ReD Working Group of DarkSide Collaboration
Investigation of the Electric Field Uniformity in the ReD Detector
Abstracts (eng, 28 Kb) |
Derbin A. V., Drachnev I. S., Lomskaya I. S., Muratova V. N., Pilipenko N. V., Semenov D. A., Unzhakov E. V.
Precision β-Spectrum Measurement of RaE with Semiconductor Spectrometers (500 Kb)
D'yachenko A. T., Mitropolsky I. A.
Emission of High Energy Protons and Pions in Collisions of Heavy Ions within the Framework of a Nonequilibrium Hydrodynamic Approach (420 Kb)
Zherebtsova E., Karpushkin N., Golubeva M., Guber F., Ivashkin A., Morozov S. for the HADES Collaboration
New Approach to Measure Centrality in the HADES Heavy-Ion Experiments
Abstracts (eng, 33 Kb) |
Zinchenko D., Zinchenko A., Nikonov E.
Track Reconstruction in the Upgraded Tracking System of MPD/NICA
Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb) |
Karpushkin N., Golubeva M., Guber F., Ivashkin A., Morozov S.
ML Approaches for Centrality Determination with Forward Hadron Calorimeters in Heavy-Ion Reactions
Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb) |
Khyzhniak E. for the STAR Collaboration
One-Dimensional Pion Femtoscopy in d + Au Collisions at √SNN = 200 GeV from STAR
Abstracts (eng, 39 Kb) |
Kotina E., Ploskikh V., Shirokolobov A.
Digital Image Processing in Nuclear Medicine
Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb) |
Lashmanov N. A., Sedykh S. A., Yurevich V. I.
Study of the Interaction Trigger for Au + Au Collisions in BM@N Experiment (407 Kb)
Machikhiliyan I. for the DANSS Collaboration
The DANSS Neutrino Spectrometer: The Results of Reactor Antineutrino Studies (407 Kb)
Driuk A., Merts S., Nemnyugin S.
Global Tracking in the BM@N Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 31 Kb) |
Mikhailovsky V. P., Kovalenko V. B.
Glauber Monte Carlo Model at Partonic Level for pp Collisions in a Wide Energy Range (545 Kb)
Monakhov V. V., Kozhedub A. V.
C, P, T Symmetries and Lorentz Transformations in the Theory of Superalgebraic Spinors (165 Kb)
Nemnyugin S.
On the Influence of Chemotherapy on the Bragg Peak Parameters in the Water Cube Model
Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb) |
Nemnyugin S., Driuk A., Merts S., Roudnev V., Stepanova M., Iufryakova A.
Performance Optimization of Simulation and Event Reconstruction Software in the BM@N NICA Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb) |
Nesterov D. G., Zherebchevsky V. I., Feofilov G. A., Igolkin S. N., Lazareva T. V., Maltsev N. A.,
Pichugina D. V., Prokofiev N. A., Rakhmatullina A. R.
Cooling Systems for the Novel Pixel Detectors (573 Kb)
Obikhod T. V., Petrenko Ie. A.
Computer Modeling of Decay Width and Production Cross Sections for Beyond SM Particles (471 Kb)
Samarin V. V., Sobolev Yu. G., Penionzhkevich Yu. E., Stukalov S. S., Naumenko M. A., Siváček I.
Investigation of Reaction Cross Sections for Beam of 8Li, 8He on 28Si, 59Co, 181Ta Targets (860 Kb)
Samigullin E. I. for the DANSS Collaboration
Observation of Atmospheric Temperature and Pressure Effects in Cosmic Muons Flux with DANSS Detector (438 Kb)
Svetlichnyi A.O., Nepeyvoda R. S., Pschenichnov I. A.
Study of Nuclear Fragmentation at Heavy Ion Colliders (895 Kb)
Achasov M. N., Barnyakov A. Yu., Baykov A. A., Beloborodov K. I.,
Berdyugin A. V., Bogdanchikov A. G., Botov A. A., Dimova T. V., Druzhinin V. P., Golubev V. B., Kardapoltsev L. V.,
Kharlamov A. G., Korol A. A., Kovrizhin D. P., Kupich A. S., Martin K. A., Melnikova N. A., Muchnoy N. Yu., Obrazovsky A. E., Pakhtusova E. V., Pugachev K. V., Savchenko Ya. S.,
Serednyakov S. I., Shtol D. A., Silagadze Z. K., Surin I. K., Usov Yu. V., Zhabin V. N., Zhulanov V. V.
Measurement of the Neutron Time-Like Electromagnetic Form Factors at the VEPP-2000 e+e- Collider with the SND Detector
Abstracts (eng, 42 Kb) |
Guber F., Golubeva M., Ivashkin A., Kapishin M., Karpushkin N., Kugler A., Morozov S.
Study of the Spectator Matter in Heavy-Ion Collisions at the BM@N Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 42 Kb) |
Suleymanov M.
The Meaning behind Observed pT Regions at the LHC Energies, Some Properties of the Regions (367 Kb)
Topko B. L., Burtsev V. E., Enik T. L., Ivanov A. V., Kopylov Yu. A., Khabarov S. V.,
Martovitsky E. V., Makankin A. M., Tarasov O. G., Zamyatin N. I.
Application of BM@N Si-Microstrip Detectors at Muon Stand for Testing Straw Detectors
Abstracts (eng, 37 Kb) |
Kadmensky S. G., Titova L. V., Lyubashevsky D. E., Veretennikov A. S., Pisklyukov A. A.
Mechanisms of Multistage Nuclear Decays with Taking into Account Real and Virtual States of Intermediate Nuclei (309 Kb)
Part 3 |
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Alkhazov G. D., Vorobyov A. A., Dobrovolsky A. V., Korolev G. A., Khanzadeev A. V.
Study of the Structure of Exotic Nuclei by Proton Elastic Scattering in Inverse Kinematics Using the Active Target IKAR (1.313.122 Kb)
Bobrikov I. A., Gapon I. V., Avdeev M. V.
Neutron Scattering for Materials and Transient Processes Research in Lithium Energy Storage Devices at the IBR-2 Pulsed Reactor (4.611.875 Kb)
Egorov M. V.
Binding Energies of Light Hypernuclei (500.379 Kb)
Slavnov D. A.
Algebraic and Statistical Methods in the Quantum and the Gravitational Physics (1.122.991 Kb)
Part 4 |
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Proceedings of the Conference
(Stara Lesna, Slovakia, October 4–8, 2021)
Karshenboim S. G., Ozawa A., Shelyuto V. A., Korzinin E. Yu., Szafron R., Ivanov V. G.
The Complete α8m Contributions to the 1s Lamb Shift in Hydrogen
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Korobov V. I.
Precision Spectroscopy of the Hydrogen Molecular Ions: Present Status of Theory and Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb) |
Widmann E. for the ASACUSA Cusp collaboration
Hyperfine Spectroscopy of Antihydrogen, Hydrogen, and Deuterium
Abstracts (eng, 30 Kb) |
Melezhik V. S.
A New Mechanism for Sympathetic Cooling of Atoms and Ions in Atomic and Ion-Atomic Traps
Abstracts (eng, 41 Kb) |
Dhindsa H. S., Marton V. J., Drake G. W. F.
Search for Light Bosons with King and Second-King Plots Optimized for Lithium Ions
Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb) |
Volkov S.
A Way of Fast Calculating Lepton Magnetic Moments in Quantum Electrodynamics
Abstracts (eng, 39 Kb) |
Dubničková A. Z., Dubnička S., Holka L., Liptaj A.
Advantages in Novel Approach of Numerical Evaluation of the Muon g–2 Anomaly
Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb) |
Dubnička S., Dubničková A. Z.
On a Description of the Nucleon Electromagnetic Structure by Effective Proton and Neutron Form Factors
Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb) |
Kudenko Yu.
Neutrino Oscillations: Status and Prospects
Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb) |
Alvarez Castillo D.
Studying the Variation of Fundamental Constants at the Cosmic Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory
Abstracts (eng, 30 Kb) |
Lebedev N. M.
Critical Exponents of Model with Matrix Order Parameter from Resummation of Six-Loop Results for Anomalous Dimensions
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
Perepelkin E. E., Sadovnikov B. I., Inozemtseva N. G.,
Rudamenko R. A., Tarelkin A. A., Sysoev P. N., Polyakova R. V., Sadovnikova M. B.
Chains: From Spin Glasses to Deep Learning (400.779 Kb)
Dubinov A. E., Saikov S. K., Selemir V. D., Tarakanov V. P.
Complex Phase Dynamics of Counter-Propagating Over-Limited Electron Beams (2.129.511 Kb)
Part 5 |
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Dzhioev A. A., Vdovin A. I.
Superoperator Approach to the Theory of Hot Nuclei and Astrophysical Applications. I. Spectral Properties of Hot Nuclei (908 Kb)
Dzhioev A. A., Vdovin A. I.
Superoperator Approach to the Theory of Hot Nuclei and Astrophysical Applications. II. Electron Capture in Stars (3.394 Kb)
Baznat M., Baldin A., Baldina E., Paraipan M., Pronskikh V., Zhivkov P.
Cascade Models in Simulation of Extended Heavy Targets Irradiated by Accelerated Proton and Deuteron Beams
Abstracts (eng, 31 Kb) |
Kozlov O. S., Kostromin S. A., Melnikov S. A., Meshkov I. N., Smirnov V. L., Tuzikov A. V., Philippov A. V., Shandov M. M.
Actual Tasks of Beam Dynamics Analysis in the NICA Collider (2.338 Kb)
Part 6 |
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Dzhioev A. A., Vdovin A.I.
Superoperator Approach to the Theory of Hot Nuclei and Astrophysical Applications. III. Neutrino--Nucleus Reactions in Stars (2.022.359 Kb)
Nikitenko Yu. V., Zhaketov V. D.
Magnetism of Ferromagnetic-Superconducting Inhomogeneous Layered Structures (2.257.564 Kb)
Neznamov V. P., Safronov I. I., Shemarulin V. Е.
Something New about Radial Wave Functions of Fermions in a Coulomb Repulsive Field (812.007 Kb)
Shirikova N. Yu., Sushkov A. V., Malov L. A., Kolganova E. A., Jolos R. V.
Microscopically Derived Grodzins Relation and Prediction of the Excitation Energies of the 21+ States for Some Superheavy Nuclei
Abstracts (eng, 33.723 Kb) |
Padula S. S. on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Results on Bose—Einstein Correlations of Charged Hadrons in pp Collisions at 13 TeV in CMS
Abstracts (eng, 35.430 Kb) |
Alexandrov A. B., Vasina S. G., Galkin V. I., Gippius А. А., Grachev V. ,M., Kalinina G. V., Konovalov A. S.,
Konovalova N. S., Korolev P. S., Larionov A. A., Managadze A. K., Melnichenko I. A., Okateva N. M., Polukhina N. G., Roganova T. M., Sadykov Zh. T., Starkov N. I., Starkova E. N.,
Tyukov V. E., Chernyavsky M. M., Shevchenko V. I., Shchedrina T. V.
A Noninvasive Method for Studing Cultural Heritage Objects on Base of Muonography (7.831.264 Kb)
Author index (rus)
V. A. Matveev
Assistents Editor-in-Chief:
Nguen Van Hieu
Editorial board:
A. B. Arbuzov (Secretary),
V. A. Bednyakov,
M. A. Vasiliev,
V. V. Voronov,
R. V. Jolos,
P. I. Zarubin,
A. P. Isaev,
E. A. Krasavin,
N. V. Krasnikov,
O. N. Krokhin,
R. Lednicky,
E. V. Lychagin,
I. N. Meshkov,
D. Nagy,
Yu. Ts. Oganessian,
A. G. Popeko,
A. A. Starobinskii,
Ch. Stoyanov,
Gh. Stratan,
G. V. Trubnikov,
V. I. Yukalov
Head of the Editorial Office
G. V. Fedorova
Tel.: (496) 216-26-50
FAX: +7(496) 216-58-92
E-mail: pepan@jinr.ru
Scientific Editor of the English translation
G. I. Smirnov